Unit refs....
Daniel Wang
16 Feb 2000 18:33:58 -0500
"Stephen Weeks" <sweeks@intertrust.com> writes:
> > The code produced by closure convert contians the creation of many "unit
> > refs" that seem unneeded. Can someone explain why they're generated? They're
> > causing a problem with my region code, I can hack around them, but If
> > possible, I'd like to avoid generating them in the first place...
> Hmmm. The implement exceptions pass (before closure conversion)
> introduces exceptions to implement generativity. The closure
> converter doesn't introduce unit refs, as far as I can remember. It
> does, however, introduce a unit whenever there is an empty closure
> record. Could you send the input and output?
I'm actually not using exceptions, and I could get by with non-generative
ones if I had to.. can you give me a hint as to how to remove generative