Stacksize runtime bugs.....

Daniel Wang
17 Feb 2000 01:07:05 -0500

"Stephen Weeks" <> writes:

> > I think, there a runtime bug associated with the stacklimitcheck and/ or
> > stack resizeing. As my code seem to segfault even though it gets all the way
> > through and typechecks all the way.
> If you send the C code, that would be helpful.

Hmmm... I'm not so sure exactly what the problem is anymore but here's a
program that typechecks and segfaults. It's completely different from the
one that caused me problems originally.

It's a modified "life" benchmark with the polymoprhic equality removed, by
hand. It was closure coverted into my IL then translated back into CPS. I
didn't do anything to the code when it passed through my code, and it
typechecks all the way through.... I've significantly trimmed the basis,
I've removed all exceptions from the code too.

It seems to segfault pretty reliably at the same place....

It should compile self-contained