Even more interesting...

ANOQ of the Sun anoq@hardcoreprocessing.com
Mon, 05 Jun 2000 19:56:22 +0200


I think I'm on the tail of the GC problem now -
Just before the VirtualFree fails under Win32
I see the GC message:

Shrinking stack to size 262144

This is the same as 0x40000 in hex - the amount
that the VirtualFree address seems to be "off".

When running with the other 2 input files,
I see the message:

Shrinking stack to size 131072

This is the same as 0x20000 which is
the amount that the VirtualFree address
is off in these cases.

What's also interesting is, that
when running on Linux - the stack also
shrinks to size 262144, which is followed
by an smunmap with an address which does
not seem to be smmap'ed earlier (but this
time I didn't go through all adresses, but
I only saw the same pattern as before).
Again I could find an smmap'ed address with
an address of 0x40000 lower than the smunmap
after the stack shrink.

So it seems to me there's a bug in the stack-shrinking
code. Can you figure out what might be wrong in the code?
I can compile my program for you on Linux with
whatever debug messages you like - if that is any
