local refs

Stephen Weeks MLton@sourcelight.com
Fri, 7 Dec 2001 14:28:32 -0800

> We still need to compute multi-threaded and multi-used.

Don't we just need multi-used (for localization)?  Of course, it has
to take Thread_copyCurrent into account.

> Do you think constant propagation would benefit significantly
> from redoing the Once pass to have:
> val once: Program.t -> {multiThreadedF: Func.t -> bool,
>                         multiUsedF: Func.t -> bool,
>                         multiThreadedL: Label.t -> bool,
>                         multiUsedL: Func.t -> bool}
> (or some variant thereof; that type looks ugly to me).  That is, something
> that can be shared by both constant prop. and localRef.

If I'm right, then we just need

 val once: Program.t -> {funcIsMultiUsed: Func.t -> bool,
                         labelIsMultiUsed: Label.t -> bool}

> Any thoughts about whether or not we should make Thread_copyCurrent a
> transfer? 

Yes, we should so that labelIsMultiUsed makes sense.

It sounds like we've reached a consensus.  I'll make the changes to
introduce preThreads and make thread.sml and cont.sml consistent in
their use of copyCurrent.  We'll delay doing anything with improving
Thread.new to use a new primitive until we figure it out.  You do the
new once pass, make Thread_copyCurrent a transfer, and fix local ref.
Either you or I can then fix constant propagation.