faster elaborator
Stephen Weeks
Wed, 3 Jan 2001 19:30:42 -0800 (PST)
> Mlton having its own real type/syntax checker would truly truly be most
> excellent. It not existing is the main obstacle to Rico giving it a shot.
Next release definitely. I'm quite excited about the possibility.
> Can you give me a quick summary of lcc's symbol-table-scoping hack?
Here's what MLton now does.
* Use one symbol table per name space (i.e. one for variables, one for tycons,
one for signature ids, one for functor ids, etc)
* Each variable (or sigid or whatever) in a symbol table keeps a list ref
containing the information for each binding of the variable at enclosing
scopes. The list is in order from lexically closest to lexically farthest
* The symbol table keeps a unit ref ref storing a unique id for the current
scope and a list ref of all of the variables in the current scope.
* Upon entering a new scope, a new unique id is stored in the symbol table
and the list of variables is set to null (the old list is stashed somewhere).
* To bind a variable in a scope, we check to see if it has already been bound
in this scope. If so, we just update this binding. If not, we add a new
entry to the front of the variable's list of bindings.
* Upon leaving a scope, we pop of the bindings for all the variables in the
scope and restore the list of variables for the previous scope.
Things like local and open complicate things a bit, but it all works out, and is
quite fast.