usage message

Henry Cejtin
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 17:42:06 -0600

Ah, I didn't know about the
    mlton -v
listing out all the defaults.  Very fine.

One  thing  which isn't write in the -v output is that there is no indication
of shell commands which are more than 1 line long.  E.g., if  you  look  just
after the line
    + mlton -v /tmp/z.sml
the  gcc  line  is continued on a second line, but the trailing backslash has
been lost.  None of the other gcc lines seem to have been  folded,  which  is
rather strange.  Also for -vv none of the lines was folded.

The  best  thing  would  be to break the lines nicely (at 80 columns or less)
with a backslash at the end of the broken lines, and with all lines after the
first  one  indented a bit.  Alternatively, you could just print each command
run on one long line.

Modulo this, the -v is just exactly what I was looking  for:  something  that
tells me what got done without using pages and pages of space.