constant switch test bug in x86Translate
Stephen Weeks
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 16:46:30 -0800 (PST)
> Well, it's easy enough to set up the backend to produce an operand for
> that case, but it would segfault if the operand were ever used during
> execution. But, that should let you produce an executable, if you are
> still hunting other bugs.
> On the other hand, it would be fairly difficult to generate a call to
> MLton_bug -- the translation of each operand would have to return either
> an operand or the code to call MLton_bug; that would mean lots of cases on
> the result of the translation.
I meant *backend*, not *codegen*. I.E. you can leave the codegen as is (was?).
I want the codegen to raise an error at compile time if it sees a deref into
> > > SML/NJ runs out of memory (in one
> > > of the cps simplify phases) when I try compiling a G1 mlton, so I haven't
> > > been able to recreate the bug.
> >
> > Is this a new and repeatable problem? I haven't observed it running on a 512M
> > machine.
> It's only been with that snapshot you put up yesterday. I assumed that it
> had to do with the eliminated cps simplifications that just left a bigger
> program for some later phases. This machine also has somewhat less
> memory:
> [fluet@lennon fluet]$ cat /proc/meminfo
> total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached:
> Mem: 200900608 159145984 41754624 0 11472896 51773440
> Swap: 255459328 5144576 250314752
Makes sense. I'm not gonna worry about it.