A Simple Analysis to Eliminate Overflow Checking on Increments

Henry Cejtin henry@sourcelight.com
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 17:39:39 -0500

It really is a shame about not getting `='.  I always make my loops terminate
on equality.  One of the reasons is that I WANT going off by one  to  die  as
quickly as possible, not seem to be ok.  I remember thinking at the time that
this would make automatic detection harder.

In your mail it looks like you say
    ? < minInt
when you meant
    ? < maxInt

Is this analysis sound in the presence of handle statements?

I tried to think how tough it would be to tweak such  an  analysis  into  one
that  knew subscript's weren't out of range.  The hard thing is that you need
to tie conditions on the index to the array being subscripted.