bug report (complete)

Stephen Weeks MLton@sourcelight.com
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 12:51:21 -0700

> Well, I've got 384 physical and 128 of swap. I'll try increasing my swap
> space to see if that does it. Thanks!

MLton, by default, limits itself to using 85% of the total RAM available on your
machine.  In order to use more than this, you need to pass the max-heap runtime
argument.  To do this when recompiling MLton, you can change the FLAGS line in
src/mlton/Makefile to something like the following.

FLAGS = @MLton max-heap 450m -- -v -o $(AOUT)

I know that 450m is enough to recompile MLton, but you can probably squeeze by
with close to 400m.