intraprocedural flattening

Stephen Weeks
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 14:30:58 -0700

> I think
> I will combine the optimization with a forward analysis that only flattens a
> jump argument if only tuples flow into it (in addition to the original
> condition).

I finished the forward analysis.  Now a variable of tuple type is flattened iff
it only flows to selects and there is some explicit construction of a tuple that
flows into it.  Here are the new benchmark numbers.  Now there are no slowdowns,
with the exception of tak, which I am willing to attribute to noise.

run time ratio
benchmark         old MLton
barnes-hut              1.0
checksum                1.0
count-graphs            1.2
DLXSimulator            1.0
fft                     1.1
fib                     1.0
hamlet                  1.1
knuth-bendix            1.0
lexgen                  1.2
life                    1.0
logic                   1.2
mandelbrot              1.0
matrix-multiply         1.0
md5                     1.0
merge                   1.0
mlyacc                  1.2
mpuz                    1.0
nucleic                 1.0
peek                    1.1
psdes-random            1.7
ratio-regions           1.0
ray                     1.0
raytrace                1.0
simple                  1.0
smith-normal-form       1.0
tak                     0.9
tensor                  1.1
tsp                     1.0
vector-concat           2.1
vector-rev              1.0
vliw                    1.1
wc-input1               1.0
wc-scanStream           1.6
zebra                   1.0
zern                    1.0

compile time
benchmark         MLton old MLton
barnes-hut          2.7       2.7
checksum            0.8       0.8
count-graphs        1.8       1.9
DLXSimulator        4.5       4.4
fft                 1.4       1.4
fib                 0.7       0.7
hamlet             51.6      50.6
knuth-bendix        2.5       2.4
lexgen              5.7       5.5
life                1.4       1.4
logic               7.5       7.5
mandelbrot          0.8       0.8
matrix-multiply     0.8       0.8
md5                 2.4       2.4
merge               0.8       0.8
mlyacc             19.6      19.5
mpuz                1.0       1.0
nucleic             4.3       4.3
peek                1.1       1.2
psdes-random        0.8       0.8
ratio-regions       3.1       3.1
ray                 3.5       3.5
raytrace            9.9      10.0
simple              7.5       7.1
smith-normal-form   7.8       7.8
tak                 0.7       0.7
tensor              3.0       3.0
tsp                 1.9       1.8
vector-concat       0.8       0.8
vector-rev          0.8       0.8
vliw               12.8      12.2
wc-input1           1.6       1.6
wc-scanStream       1.7       1.7
zebra               5.1       4.8
zern                1.1       1.1

run time
benchmark         MLton old MLton
barnes-hut          5.2       5.4
checksum            4.6       4.4
count-graphs        5.9       7.2
DLXSimulator       12.9      13.6
fft                 9.5      10.3
fib                 4.4       4.4
hamlet              9.8      10.8
knuth-bendix        8.3       8.2
lexgen             13.8      16.5
life               11.1      11.4
logic              26.5      31.0
mandelbrot          8.9       9.0
matrix-multiply     6.2       6.3
md5                 5.0       5.1
merge              37.1      38.4
mlyacc             10.9      13.0
mpuz                6.9       7.0
nucleic             8.5       8.5
peek                4.9       5.3
psdes-random        5.8       9.6
ratio-regions       9.4       9.5
ray                 6.1       6.0
raytrace            6.4       6.5
simple              7.2       7.2
smith-normal-form   1.1       1.1
tak                11.4      10.7
tensor              8.1       8.8
tsp                12.5      12.8
vector-concat       8.6      17.7
vector-rev          3.7       3.6
vliw                7.1       8.1
wc-input1           3.0       3.0
wc-scanStream       5.2       8.6
zebra               3.3       3.2
zern               44.6      44.7

benchmark           MLton old MLton
barnes-hut         63,936    65,024
checksum           23,596    24,108
count-graphs       43,380    44,772
DLXSimulator       93,996    93,780
fft                32,160    33,720
fib                23,396    23,924
hamlet            995,775   973,871
knuth-bendix       62,277    62,845
lexgen            130,020   131,428
life               37,452    37,732
logic             149,476   151,820
mandelbrot         23,468    23,988
matrix-multiply    23,932    24,452
md5                36,757    38,269
merge              24,532    25,060
mlyacc            428,228   423,620
mpuz               28,644    29,364
nucleic            60,612    61,132
peek               30,357    31,005
psdes-random       24,428    25,236
ratio-regions      60,212    60,676
ray                72,951    73,751
raytrace          181,876   181,020
simple            170,704   171,616
smith-normal-form 141,540   143,300
tak                23,428    23,948
tensor             68,051    69,091
tsp                39,437    40,149
vector-concat      24,100    24,884
vector-rev         24,028    24,548
vliw              272,624   263,328
wc-input1          40,821    40,981
wc-scanStream      43,453    43,549
zebra             111,717   112,221
zern               27,479    27,759