new RPMs

Stephen Weeks
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 23:25:55 -0700

> Unfortunately, the latest x86-codegen bug is still outstanding.  It turns
> out to be a little more insidious than I originally thought.  I have a
> "fix" that works with count-graphs, but it's not a real solution.  And I'm
> not going to be able to fix it before the contest.  However, I've written
> the fix in a way that if the bug were triggered in a way that the patch
> doesn't cover, we'll get an unresolved symbol error from the linker.  

You can do that but you can't raise a compile time exception?  Weird.

> That
> should work for the contest, in that even though there is a know bug,
> we'll know if it's triggered.

Anyways, it should be fine enough, since it's very rare, and we can always turn
off CSE.