new RPMs

Stephen Weeks
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 09:21:45 -0700

> The binary RPM I just grabbed from you has the following problems (not a
> problem for me, but to be fixed):
> 	1. It won't work on a Red Hat 6.* machine.

How do we fix this?

> 	2. the /usr/local/bin/mlton script includes `max-heap 450m'.
> I'm confused by the latter.  Why not just use the default maximum?  Isn't
> it better in all ways except perhaps for benchmarking the compile times of
> big programs?

It's just there so that when I run big compiles on my machine, it doesn't thrash
madly.  It will be removed for the release.  BTW, if I really wanted speed, I'd
use fixed-heap 450m.

> The usage message for mlton is wider than 80 columns again.  It really really
> should be 79 or less if at all possible.

Noted.  This will be fixed when I get around to cleaning up the usage message
and removing some of the flags.

> The binary rpm doesn't work for compiling things for profiling because there
> is no /usr/local/lib/mlton/lib/prof.o included.

Fixed.  I added prof.o in the lib section of the install target in src/Makefile.

> The following files were in the source RPM but look like garbage:
> 	mlton-20010616/src/benchmark/Makefile~
> 	mlton-20010616/src/benchmark/
> 	mlton-20010616/src/benchmark/junk~
> 	mlton-20010616/src/mlton/cps/
> 	mlton-20010616/src/mlton/xml/
> 	mlton-20010616/src/lib/mlton/basic/regexp.old.sml
> 	mlton-20010616/src/benchmark/junk
> 	mlton-20010616/src/mlton/codegen/x86-codegen-old and everything in it

Got 'em.  Actually, the regexp stuff isn't old yet, but it will be soon.

> Also, and this is important, many of the files are group writable.  It seems
> pretty random, but I would think that the mode you want for most files is
> 644, not 664.

OK.  I included the following in my build script.

chmod -R go-w .