contification paper: benchmarks
Stephen Weeks
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 09:44:04 -0800 (PST)
> Here are the changes for the experiments section.
Incorporated successfully.
> Also meant to ask Steve to add the Tofte references for ML-Kit to bib.bib.
I added the following one
@techreport( TofteEtAl98,
author = tofte # and # birkedal # and # elsman # and # hallenberg # and # olesen # and # sestoft # bertelsen,
title = "Programming with Regions in the {ML Kit} (for Version 3)",
number = "98/25",
institution = "University of Copenhagen",
year = 1998)
Is that enough, or which one did you want for 1997?
> I'm working on the formal transformation description. Not bad at all;
> I've got all the rules now, and I just need about an hour to write up some
> textual description and justification.
Great. I thought about the transformation some last night, and I think I
figured out a way to compute the continuation that each function returns to
based on A. Then, walkExp doesn't have to recursively pass the continuation
around, which I think is the most confusing part. Anyways, I'll be interested
to see what you do.
I assume I have the token to work on sections 5 and 6, while you have the token
for 1-4.