Matthew Fluet
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 22:36:38 -0500 (EST)
> > Some of them also fail with "Raise must have one var".
> This is a bit more troubling, but I think will go away once everything
> makes it to SSA.
> > and a segFault on exnHistory2; various other run-time errors.
> These are a bit more scary. Maybe you could track one down?
Yeah; I didn't get a chance to look at them, I was just watching the
regression output. Unfortunately, there are some other bugs becoming
manifest: mutex and prodcons aren't terminating. I'll try to track down
one or more of these tomorrow.
> I have one more minor hack on my todo before the shrinker. Hopefully
> I will start on that tomorrow.
Great. Just some notes: I've been mostly assuming some think like
shrinkBlocks: Statement.t vector -> Block.t vector -> Block.t vector
in the code (although they are all one liners), but when I was thinking
about doing a really simple shrinker, I put
shrinkFunction: Statement.t vector -> Function.t -> Function.t
into shrink.sig, which seems more reasonable.