bug found

Stephen Weeks MLton@sourcelight.com
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:11:07 -0800

> Is serialization dead?

Serialization has been dead for some time.  We never figured out a
sensible semantics (kind of like MLton.size).

> I'll at least do the swap since I think that 1 gig char arrays is
> really too small so I want one bit beyond that.

To be clear -- the current limit is .5G -- what you will get from the
bit swap is 1G.  To get 2G, you'll have to fold stacks and conts into
the normal object case, with a top bit of 1, and probably lose a bit
or two from the pointer and nonpointer parts of a normal object header
(no big deal).  I think this is doable, but it's a bit more work.