Introducing the "lookup-constants runtime system" :)

Stephen Weeks
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 13:36:41 -0700

> Why?  I like your option two (include the explicit path for #include
> <stdio.h>).  That way, the normal lookup-constants method can be used.  It
> seems like a minor change the current approach to include the target headers
> (which I figure you must have) and then run lookup-constants on the host
> system.  Combining that with calling the cross-compiling gcc and linking with
> the right files seems to me to be all you need.

Henry doesn't like this approach and thinks that combining the two different
sets of include files is too risky.  So, I'd say go with the approach you
mentioned of just including the target .h files and linking with a special
lookup-constants library for the host.  BTW, as far as I understand, this still
just requires a tweak of the current call to gcc from within lookup-constants,
and does not require the command-line switches to stop at the lookup-constants
pass or to load the result of a separate lookup-constants run.