SSA backend

Stephen Weeks
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 09:43:23 -0700

> I checked in a fix for the x86-codegen bug.
> I think this works o.k. with my previous

I'm checking it out now.

> However, I'm getting strange errors with this and mllex (and mlyacc).  The
> resulting ssa program type-checks, but register allocation in the backend
> fails. 
> I don't claim that is 100% bug-free, but I also think
> that an ssa program that type checks (i.e., satisfies the SSA condition),
> shouldn't be generating bogus liveness info in the backend.

Yeah, except for Function.checkHandlers, which isn't on in the type checker yet
because I haven't debugged it.  Also, the bug may not be due to, it may be due to the fact that there are two passes of
remove at the end of the optimize cycle instead of one.  Anyways, I am

> One other thing I added -- to, I made any
> appearance of a Set* statement imply hasHandler.

Makes sense.  It would be nice if removeUnused got rid of the unused Set*
statements.  Although it really doesn't matter since the new approach will be to
infer/insert them after all optimization is done, and that almost certainly
won't introduce bogus ones.