another feature request

Norman Ramsey
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 18:01:35 -0400

 > My understanding of SMLofNJ.exnHistory is that it only gives the intervening
 > handlers on the stack, not every stack frame.  

This is my understanding also.

  > Given this, I think it would be
 > fairly easy to modify MLton's front/middle end to add an extra component to
 > exceptions (a string list ref) and to change the translation of handle
 > expressions to cons an appropriate string onto the list ref.  My guess is it's
 > only an afternoon's worth of work.

One hates to see the extra cost on a handle expression, but it can be
very difficult to diagnose these uncaught exceptions.  A compile-time
option might be suitable (with default to diagnose).

I have just sent a mail message with an uncaught exception.  I hope it
is in your code and not mine, but it's not entirely clear to me...
