traceBatch Verbosity problem

Matthew Fluet fluet@CS.Cornell.EDU
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 12:08:45 -0400 (EDT)

> > Another possibility would be to move the tracers inside the functions, so that
> > there is a verbosity test once per compile (or chunk, or something better than
> > per function call).  Although you should probably measure the time to see if it
> > matters.
> Forget what I said.  This is noise.  It just pushes the test on the bool ref
> into a switch on the datatype variant representing the lambda.  I guess the
> latter is slightly better since there's no deref, but there's still a test.
> I'd say go for the test, since that's gotta be cheaper than counting the time.

So, I've tried replacing the existing traceBatch with the following,
which does what I want, except that I am consistently getting Time
exceptions in the timeToString call when it takes the difference 
(totalGC - total); i.e., somehow the time bug has arisen once again.
Anyone see anything obviously wrong with this?

val ('a, 'b) traceBatch: (verbosity * string) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 
                         (('a -> 'b) * (unit -> unit)) =
   fn (verb, name) =>
   fn f => let
	     val total = ref
	     val totalGC = ref
	     (fn a
	       => if Verbosity.<= (verb, !verbosity)
		    then let
			   val (t, gc) = time ()
			   fun done ()
			     = let
				 val (t', gc') = time ()
				 total :=
				 timePlus (!total,
					   (t', t',
					    "traceBatch: 't - t"),
					   "traceBatch: !total") ;
				 totalGC :=
				 timePlus (!totalGC,
					   (gc', gc,
					    "traceBatch: gc' - gc"),
					   "traceBatch: !totalGC")
			   (f a
			    before done ())
			   handle e => (messageStr (verb,
						    concat [name, " raised"])
					; raise e)
		    else f a,
	      fn () => messageStr (verb,
				   concat [name,
					   " totals ",
					   {total = !total,
					    gc = !totalGC}]))