[MLton-devel] FFI

Mike Thomas Mike Thomas" <miketh@brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 14:56:12 +1000

Hi there.

> I don't know enough about OpenGL or your binding to know how viable a
> workaround would be.

To use the nice features of Glut from SML you need callbacks to allow a
programmer to specify the user interface.  Example code is below (mangled by
Outlook Express).

> But, that's probably a better direction to
> pursue for now (unless you're interested in modifying MLton, in which
> case we'd love to help :-).

Although it sounds interesting, unfortunately I don't have the know-how and
I'm involved in other public domain efforts (Grass, Mingw32 Gnu Common Lisp
etc), which fill my non-wife and family time to overflowing, even with
midnight programming sessions!


Mike Thomas.

open GL;
open Glut;

val win = ref 0
val subwin = ref 0
val mainmenu = ref 0
val submenu = ref 0
val item = ref 666

fun display () =

fun gokey (key : char) (x : int) (y : int) =
  val mods = glutGetModifiers()
  val altactive = Word.andb(mods, GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT)
  print("key = " ^ Char.toString(key) ^ "  mods = 0x" ^
        (Word.fmt StringCvt.HEX mods) ^ "\n");
  if GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT = altactive then
      case key of
      #"1" =>
    print "Change to sub menu 1\n";
    glutChangeToSubMenu 1 "sub 1" (!submenu)
    | #"2" =>
    print "Change to sub menu 2\n";
    glutChangeToSubMenu 2 "sub 2" (!submenu)
    | #"3" =>
    print "Change to sub menu 3\n";
    glutChangeToSubMenu 3 "sub 3" (!submenu)
    | #"4" =>
    print "Change to sub menu 4\n";
    glutChangeToSubMenu 4 "sub 4" (!submenu)
    | #"5" =>
    print "Change to sub menu 5\n";
    glutChangeToSubMenu 5 "sub 5" (!submenu)
    | _ =>
    raise Fail "gokey 1"
      case key of
      #"1" =>
    print "Change to menu entry 1\n";
    glutChangeToMenuEntry 1 "entry 1" 1
    | #"2" =>
    print "Change to menu entry 2\n";
    glutChangeToMenuEntry 2 "entry 2" 2
    | #"3" =>
    print "Change to menu entry 3\n";
    glutChangeToMenuEntry 3 "entry 3" 3
    | #"4" =>
    print "Change to menu entry 4\n";
    glutChangeToMenuEntry 4 "entry 4" 4
    | #"5" =>
    print "Change to menu entry 5\n";
    glutChangeToMenuEntry 5 "entry 5" 5
    | #"a" =>
    print ("Adding menu entry " ^ (Int.toString (!item)) ^ "\n");
    glutAddMenuEntry ("added entry" ^ (Int.toString (!item))) (!item);
    item := !item + 1
    | #"A" =>
    print ("Adding menu entry " ^ (Int.toString (!item)) ^ "\n");
    glutAddMenuEntry ("added entry" ^ (Int.toString (!item))) (!item);
    item := !item + 1
    | #"s" =>
    print ("Adding submenu " ^ (Int.toString (!item)) ^ "\n");
    glutAddMenuEntry ("added submenu " ^ (Int.toString (!item)))
    item := !item + 1
    | #"S" =>
    print ("Adding submenu " ^ (Int.toString (!item)) ^ "\n");
    glutAddMenuEntry ("added submenu " ^
        (Int.toString (!item)))
    item := !item + 1
    | #"q" =>
    print "Remove 1\n";
    glutRemoveMenuItem 1
    | #"w" =>
    print "Remove 2\n";
    glutRemoveMenuItem 2
    | #"e" =>
    print "Remove 3\n";
    glutRemoveMenuItem 3
    | #"r" =>
    print "Remove 4\n";
    glutRemoveMenuItem 4
    | #"t" =>
    print "Remove 5\n";
    glutRemoveMenuItem 5
    | _ =>
    raise Fail "gokey 2"

fun keyboard (key : char) (x : int) (y : int) =
     glutSetMenu (!mainmenu);
     gokey key x y

fun keyboard2 (key : char) (x : int)(y : int) =
     glutSetMenu (!submenu);
     gokey key x y

fun menu (value : int)  =
     print ("menu: entry = " ^ Int.toString(value) ^ "\n")

fun menu2 (value : int) =
     print ("menu2: entry = " ^ Int.toString(value) ^ "\n")

fun main () =
  val args = ["menus"] @ CommandLine.arguments()
  val argc = List.length(args)
  glutInit argc args;
  glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE + GLUT_RGB);
  win := glutCreateWindow "Menu Test";
  glClearColor 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0;
         glutDisplayFunc display;
  print("Click the close icon to close the window.");
  glutKeyboardFunc keyboard;
  submenu := glutCreateMenu menu2;
  glutAddMenuEntry "Sub menu 1" 1001;
  glutAddMenuEntry "Sub menu 2" 1002;
  glutAddMenuEntry "Sub menu 3" 1003;
  mainmenu := glutCreateMenu menu;
  glutAddMenuEntry "First" ~1;
  glutAddMenuEntry "Second" ~2;
  glutAddMenuEntry "Third" ~3;
  glutAddSubMenu "Submenu init" (!submenu);
  glutAttachMenu GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON;
  subwin := glutCreateSubWindow (!win) 50 50 50 50;
  glClearColor 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0;
  glutDisplayFunc display;
  glutKeyboardFunc keyboard2;

val _ = main();

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