[MLton-devel] (no subject)

Henry Cejtin henry@sourcelight.com
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 00:55:40 -0500

Johann  actually  downloaded  MLton,  but couldn't install it on his machine.
The reason is that it he is running Red Hat 7.1 and  the  latest  RPM,  which
looks  like  2002-07-28  requires  GCC3.0  versions  of glibc.  I notice that
everything after 20020410 is white while it is pink, but it isn't clear  from
the  page  that the latter is the last non-experimental version.  I know that
the main download page says to click on the release notes, but  clearly  that
was  not  enough  of  a  warning  in Johann's case.  I would put the 20020410
version first and then have a big EXPERIMENTAL before any of the newer  ones.
Also  the  release  notes  warning  about  things  needed (Red Hat version or
something) would probably be good.

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