[MLton-devel] project

Stephen Weeks MLton@mlton.org
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 13:27:59 -0700

> I've got an undergraduate interested in working on MLton.  Do you have a
> good small to mid-size programming project on your todo list that would be
> suitable for a undergrad senior with some (but not extensive) exposure to ML
> and compilers?

Can you give an idea of the amount of time you're thinking of?  10
hours? 50 hours?  Is this for an hour of credit (which equaled 3 hours
per week for a semester when I was an undergrad)?

I'm thinking it might be best to start off with something really small
(for us) that would let him get it done in a couple of weeks and then
move to something bigger.

> In light of the recent discussion, maybe augmenting the type-checker to
> checks for unused blocks would be a reasonable thing to do.

That's a big change right now because it depends on us changing around
the meaning of HandlerPush/Pop.

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