single threading mlton

Stephen Weeks
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 12:19:37 -0800

> I recalled (although I can't find the email) that Steve noted that
> lib/mlton/basic/engine.sml brought threads in.  Turns out that with
> reference to mlton, it's only used in lib/mlton/basic/net.sml which is
> pulled in for fullHostname; but, the computation of fullHostname doesn't
> require threads, so I copied the computation directly into
> src/mlton/control.sml.  (Maybe it belongs in
> lib/mlton/basic/proc-env.sml?) 

Fine with me.  But if I understand your later analysis, the presence
of engine.sml wasn't actually hurting anything, since (and
hence Signal.handleWith') was never called.

> I discovered that what's really pulling threads in is
> lib/mlton/basic/ and the tabulator function by referencing
> lib/mlton/basic/thread.sml and the generate function.

Yuck.  I thought I'd gotten rid of that.

> More importantly, that function actually requires thread switching,
> so Thread_switchTo appears in the final program, foiling the multi
> analysis.  Vector.tabulator is only used by AppendList.toVector,
> and, while a clever use of threads (it took me a while to figure out
> exactly what was going on),

It may be clever, but it is *slow*.

> it's only really used in some of the elaboration and I suspect that
> no one will really notice the difference with an implementation as
> val toVector = Vector.fromList o toList.

Since this is a conversion from a tree to a vector, it is easier for
the tree walk to own the stack than for the vector creator.  That's
why I used a tabulator (which doesn't own the stack) instead of an
unfold (which does).  The real problem is the implementation of
Vector.tabulator.  One possibility would be to change it to

fun tabulator (n: int, f: ('a -> unit) -> unit) =
      val a = Pervasive.Array.array (n, NONE)
      val r = ref 0
      val _ =
	 f (fn x =>
	       val i = !r
	       if i >= n
		  then Error.bug "Vector.tabulator: too many elements"
	       else (Pervasive.Array.update (a, i, SOME x)
		     ; r := i + 1)
      if !r < n
	 then Error.bug "Vector.tabulator: not enough elements"
      else tabulate (n, fn i => valOf (Pervasive.Array.sub (a, i)))

I would like to find a way to avoid the array->vector copy, but don't
see it.

Another possibility, which I have heard Henry espouse, is to expose
the tabulator more like a folder, with the following signature

      type state
      val tabulator: int * (state * ('a * state -> state) -> state) -> 'a t 

Then, the implementation is

   datatype state = S of int
   type state = state
   fun tabulator (n: int, f: (state * ('a * state -> state) -> state)) =
	 val a = Pervasive.Array.array (n, NONE)
	 val S n' =
	    f (S 0,
	       fn (x, S i) =>
	       if i >= n
		  then Error.bug "Vector.tabulator: too many elements"
	       else (Pervasive.Array.update (a, i, SOME x)
		     ; S (i + 1)))
	 if n' < n
	    then Error.bug "Vector.tabulator: not enough elements"
	 else tabulate (n, fn i => valOf (Pervasive.Array.sub (a, i)))

And the implementation of AppendList.toVector is

fun toVector ds = Vector.tabulator (length ds, fn (s, f) => fold (ds, s, f))

Of course, we would have liked to have written the type of tabulator
in ML as 

      val tabulator:
	Forall 'a. int * (Forall 'b. 'b * ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b) -> 'a t 

but we can't because of prenexity.  If you change the type to

      val tabulator:
	Forall 'a. Forall 'b. int * ('b * ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b) -> 'a t 

you get a completely different beast.

Anyways, here's my opinion on the right way to go. I prefer hiding the
state, because it is abstract and is a hack on the true type.  Also,
we don't have a linear type system to enforce that it is used
correctly.  So, I propose to leave the implementation of
AppendList.toVector as is, and to replace the implementation of
Vector.tabulator with the first one I gave above, unless someone can
think of something even better.

> Anyways, making those changes eliminates all references to
> Thread_switchTo, so the multi analysis should be significantly more
> accurate for constantPropagation and localRef.
> The multi analysis only marks block reachable from a
> Thread_copyCurrent as multiThreaded if the program has an instance
> of Thread_switchTo.  Since not, we're golden.

Ahh the joys/perils of whole-program optimization.  We're clearly
going to need some better thread implementation and analysis if we're
going to ever use threads seriously.
> It seems to have shaved about a minute off of my self compiles.

Quite nice.  I can't wait to get the new limit check stuff in to see
if we can break 400s.