[MLton-devel] (no subject)

Henry Cejtin henry@sourcelight.com
Fri, 22 Aug 2003 21:17:10 -0500

I  am  clearly missing something basic here.  I see that stand-alone programs
which use the  MLton  library  (like  mlprof)  have  2  .cm  files.   One  is
sources.cm, which looks like I would expect, just listing
to  get  the  MLton  library.   The  other,  (mlprof.cm  in  the mlprof case)
explicitly lists all the files used from the MLton library.  If I try to  run
MLton with the sources.cm file as an argument it complains that SMLNJ_VERSION
is an undefined symbol in

Is there really no single .cm file that I can use when compiling from  MLton?

On  an  unrelated  note, is there now way to have access to the standard top-
level and basis structures (like TextIO) in a program which uses  code  which
requires the MLton library?

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