[MLton-devel] Re: CPS vs SSA

Lal George lg@network-speed.com
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 11:15:35 -0500

I mostly agree with the comparison made by Stephen, however despite
everything that he said, I am going to structure the new Nova compiler
using CPS once again! (Even though the final IL turns out to be first

At one extreme, suppose we had a language where programs were call/cc
centric. Then clearly CPS would be a good choice. Call/cc would
be compiled to primitive function calls that would be easily
optimized with other constructs.

It turns out that compiled Nova programs look like spagetti code, and
exceptions are a nice way of capturing much of the control flow in a
high-level language. We find that programs tend to be
'exception-centric'. The domain (network processors) places a premium
on execution and so the exception handling must be compiled away as
efficiently as possible.

CPS handles this situation cleanly --- the exception handling is
expressed as simple function calls, and the handlers are nicely
bundled up in continuations. After a massive inlining phase, we get
the desired first-order program we were after.  At this point one
could imagine converting to a CFG based SSA form, but there would be
little point in doing so that late in the game.

Does this make sense? Is there a better way to take an absyn to a
first order IL where exception handling is not implemented using
complex prim-ops?


Stephen Weeks wrote:
> Lal George is currently developing Nova, a compiler for the Intel IXP.
> Nova is written in SML and uses MLRISC.  I mentioned to Lal that MLton
> had switched from using a CPS IL to using an SSA IL.  He had the
> following response.
>>Re: SSA -- very interesting!
>>Matthias and I had a lengthy discussion on
>>this, and came to the well known conclusion that
>>that both forms (CPS and SSA) were equally convenient
>>from an optimization point of view ... but, the
>>compactness of CPS was just so much easier to process
>>and manipulate symbolically. It seemed much easier
>>to splice trees and move variables around in a tree based
>>CPS form than it was in the traditional CFG based SSA form.
>>Since you've gone both ways, what do you think?
> In short, I see no advantages to using CPS instead of SSA, and I see
> several disadvantages.  Note, this is in the context of a first-order
> IL, which is the case in MLton, and I assume in Nova.  It's also in
> the context of MLton's SSA IL, which uses a more functional notation
> instead of traditional phi-functions.
> What is the difference between CPS and SSA?  In both, a function
> consists of a collection of basic blocks (called continuations in
> CPS).  The difference is that in CPS, there is a syntax tree in which
> the blocks are nested, while in SSA, the blocks are in a flat vector
> (and describe a control-flow graph CFG).  So, what does the syntax
> tree in CPS do?
> 1. All of the blocks appear exactly once in the tree.  So a recursive
> walk over the tree visits all blocks and variables once.
> 2. It satisfies the lexical scoping condition for variables: a
> preorder walk over the tree is guaranteed to visit variable
> definitions before uses.
> 3. It satisfies the lexical scoping condition for blocks: a preorder
> walk over the tree visits block definitions before uses.
> 4. It provides an approximation to the dominator relation.  If block A
> is nested within block B, then B dominates A.  It is only
> approximation, however.  It may be that B dominates A but A is not
> nested within B.
> So, transformations on CPS can use recursive tree walks to accomplish
> their tasks.  Let's see how we accomplish the same things in SSA.
> 1. All of the blocks appear exactly once in the vector.  So, a loop
> over the vector visits all blocks and variables once.
> 2. The variables satisfy the dominator condition: a definition of a
> variable dominates all of its uses.  So, a preorder DFS over the CFG
> visits variable definitions before uses.
> 3. A postorder DFS over the CFG visits block definitions before uses.
> 4. Once can compute the dominator tree on the CFG in almost linear
> time.
> So, transformations on SSA use either a loop over all the blocks, a
> DFS of the CFG, or a tree walk of the dominator tree, depending on
> what's appropriate.
> Since DFS and dominator tree computation are pretty easy to write, and
> can be in libraries, I consider CPS and SSA of equivalent complexity
> from the perspective of an input to some transformation.  The same
> information is easily accessible in either.
> However, in terms of a transformation producing output, I find that
> producing CPS is more complex than SSA.  This is because CPS imposes
> additional constraints that must be *explicitly* in the IL that SSA
> does not impose: namely that the syntax tree must provide a sufficient
> approximation to the dominator tree that a simple tree walk be able
> to prove variable definitions dominate uses and block uses nest within
> block uses.
> Thinking of it another way, both CPS and SSA require that variable
> definitions dominate uses.  The difference is that using CPS as an IL
> requires that all transformations provide a proof of dominance in the
> form of the nesting, while SSA doesn't.  Now, if a CPS transformation
> doesn't do too much rewriting, then the partial dominance information
> that it had from the input tree is sufficient for the output tree.
> Hence tree splicing works fine.  However, sometimes it is not
> sufficient.
> As a concrete example, consider common-subexpression elimination.
> Suppose we have a common subexpression x = e that dominates an
> expression y = e in a function.  In CPS, if y = e happens to be within
> the scope of x = e, then we are fine and can rewrite it to y = x.  If
> however, y = e is not within the scope of x, then either we have to do
> massive tree rewriting (essentially making the syntax tree closer to
> the dominator tree) or skip the optimization.  Another way out is to
> simply use the syntax tree as an approximation to the dominator tree
> for common-subexpression elimination, but then you miss some
> optimization opportunities.  On the other hand, with SSA, you simply
> compute the dominator tree, and can always replace y = e with y = x,
> without having to worry about providing a proof in the output that x
> dominates y (i.e. without putting y in the scope of x)
> As another example, when we used to use CPS in MLton, we ran into
> problems with our contification optimization in trying to satisfy the
> CPS condition that block uses occur within the scope of their
> definitions.  We were forced to do some pretty messy tree rewriting,
> and still had to disable some cases.  When we switched to SSA, we
> didn't have to worry about scoping -- we simply put all the blocks
> together and left it to later passes to do a DFS or compute dominators
> if necessary.
>>From the perspective of typed ILs, I view CPS as pushing some of the
> work of the IL typechecker into each pass, by requiring each
> transformation to produce the scoping information necessary to make it
> easy for the type checker that variable definitions dominate uses.  On
> the other hand, with SSA, the transformations don't have to do any
> extra work, while the type checker has to do more, in that it has to
> do a dominator computation.  So, with CPS, we complicate many
> transformations to make the type checker simple, while with SSA, we
> complicate one type checker to make many passes simpler.
> Oh well, that was a long explanation.  I hope it made some sense.  We
> have used CPS in MLton for over three years, from fall 1998 to fall
> 2001, and have used SSA for over a year now.  We are quite happy that
> we switched.
> I've added a little more detail below.  Feel free to skip it.
> To be extremely clear on what I mean by CPS and SSA, here are
> simplified grammars for first-order CPS and SSA ILs similar to what
> was/is in MLton.  In the grammars, I'll use the following
> metavariables.
>         c in Const
>         l in Label
>         x in Var
>         f in Func
>         p in Prim
> Here is the CPS grammar, with comments on the right.
> <program>  ::= <fun>*
> <fun>      ::= fun <f> (<x>*) = <exp>           toplevel function declaration
> <exp>      ::= let <dec>* in <transfer> end             
> <dec>      ::= <bind>
>              | <block>
> <block>    ::= block <l> (<x>*) = <exp>         continuation declaration
> <bind>     ::= val <x> = <simple>               simple expression
> <simple>   ::= <c>                              constant
>              | <x>                              variable
>              | <p> (<x>*)                       primitive application
> <transfer> ::= <f> (<x>*)                       tail call
>              | <l> (<f> (<x>*))                 nontail call
>              | <l> (<x>*)                       jump
>              | <x>*                             return
> So, a program is a collection of mutually recursive functions.
> Functions take multiple arguments and return multiple values.  The
> body expression of a function is in CPS form (it may be a bit hard to
> see that at first).  Continuations (labels) are declared with a
> "block" keyword, so chosen because of the similarity with SSA basic
> blocks.  The usual lexical scoping rules are in place -- a variable
> must be bound before it is used, and a continuation must be defined
> before it is jumped to or used in a nontail call.
> I've tweaked the CPS grammar so that it is very easy to compare with
> the SSA grammar.  All we have to do is to replace
> <fun>      ::= fun <f> (<x>*) = <exp>
> <exp>      ::= let <dec>* in <transfer> end             
> <dec>      ::= <bind>
>              | <block>
> with
> <fun>      ::= fun <f> (<x>*) = let <block>* in <l> () end
> <exp>      ::= let <bind> in <transfer> end
> and voila, now we have SSA, with the usual dominance condition.
> Hopefully this makes very precise what I mean when I say that the
> difference between CPS and SSA is the nesting of blocks.

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