[MLton-devel] improvement for Int.{div,mod}
Stephen Weeks
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 11:56:37 -0700
> I don't believe that the x86 codegen is doing anything tricky.
> z = Prim.Int_quot(x,y) and z = Prim.Int_mod(x,y) are both translated to:
> mov x, z
> idiv z, y
Sorry, I wasn't entirely clear. I was referring to the case from
Franck's mail where the divisor is constant.
> Note that Int.{quot,rem} are _not_ used to implement Int.{div,mod}. The
> Integer functor implements Int.{quot,rem,div,mod} in terms of I.{quot,rem}
> (where I : PRE_INTEGER_EXTRA). That is, all of Int.{quot,rem,div,mod}
> wrap some additional tests around the primitives.
> The actual primitives are implemented as efficiently as possible.
I think there is still room for improvement. Here is the definition
of Int.div:
fun x div y =
if x >= zero
then if y > zero
then I.quot (x, y)
else if y < zero
then if x = zero
then zero
else I.quot (x - one, y) -? one
else raise Div
else if y < zero
then if detectOverflow andalso x = minInt' andalso y = ~one
then raise Overflow
else I.quot (x, y)
else if y > zero
then I.quot (x + one, y) -? one
else raise Div
So, "x div 16" simplifies to
if x >= zero
then I.quot (x, 16)
else I.quot (x + one, 16) -? one
The assembly I see for the then branch is
movl %esi,%edi
sarl $3,%edi
shrl $28,%edi
addl %edi,%esi
sarl $4,%esi
The assembly I see for the else branch is
incl %esi
movl %esi,%edi
sarl $3,%edi
shrl $28,%edi
addl %edi,%esi
sarl $4,%esi
decl %esi
Both of these branches appear to be doing stuff to handle both
negative and positive values of x (aka %esi). For example, the then
branch could be simplified to a single shrl, since we know x >= 0.
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