[MLton-devel] Fwd: Mark Tuttle

Suresh Jagannathan suresh@cs.purdue.edu
Thu, 1 May 2003 09:59:58 -0500

FYI --- Mark was a former classmate of mine at MIT.  He
had the following questions about missing library functionality
in MLton.

-- Suresh

>From tuttle@crl.dec.com  Wed Apr 30 18:22:59 2003
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Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 19:22:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Mark R. Tuttle" <Mark.Tuttle@hp.com>
Message-Id: <200304302322.h3UNMkB25379@husker.crl.dec.com>
To: suresh@cs.purdue.edu (Suresh Jagannathan)
Cc: johnm@cse.ogi.edu (John Matthews), rajeev.joshi@hp.com (Rajeev Joshi)
Subject: mlton
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Hi, Suresh.


I was wondering if you could give me a few quick words of guidance
about mlton.  My friends and I are looking for an implementation of
sml with good performance, good profiling, and a good foreign function
interface.  I have been moderately disappointed with mosml and smlnj,
and I am thinking about trying mlton.  I think I can do an easy port
from smlnj to mlton as follows:

1. Use ml-lex and ml-yacc that come with smlnj to do my parsing,
instead of using mllex and mlyacc with mlton, to avoid rewriting the
.lex and .grm files for yet another lex/yacc tool.

2. Steal the HashTable implementation from smlnj.

3. But...

3.1.  BinIO is missing setPosOut, and BinIO.StreamIO is missing
flushOut and getWriter, so I don't see a way to do random access on
output.  I just need to write a 4G file, then write a few characters
to the head of the file.  Is there an easy solution more efficient
than a massive disk file copy?

3.2.  TextIO is missing openString.  I could write the string to a
disk file and open the disk file, but is there a better way?

3.3.  mlton does not appear to support antiquoting.  I can define an
'a frag datatype, and use the QUOTE and ANTIQUOTE constructors
explicitly, but is there a better way?  Will there ever be support for
the quasi-quoting notation?

It sure is pleasant to think of you again.  Thanks for any advice you
might have.

(Mark Tuttle, mark.tuttle@hp.com)

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