Stephen Weeks
Fri, 20 Aug 2004 08:52:24 -0700
> > I'm thinking that the common case will actually be prepVal, and that
> > with prepVal already defined, then prep is not really needed. Putting
> > it all together, how about the following?
> >
> > val prepare: 'a t * 'a -> Runnable.t
> > val prepareFn: 'a t * (unit -> 'a) -> Runnable.t
> I disagree:
> [fluet@tiger core-cml 13]% grep prep * | wc -l
> 37
> [fluet@tiger core-cml 14]% grep prepVal * | wc -l
> 16
> [fluet@tiger core-cml 15]% grep prepFn * | wc -l
> 3
Looking more closely at core-cml, I see 10 preps, 16 prepVals, and 3
The difference is whether people mostly deal with threads that have no
context (as with preemptive threads) or threads that have some
> So, I prefer:
> val prepare: unit t -> Runnable.t
> val prepareFn: 'a t * (unit -> 'a) -> Runnable.t
> val prepareVal: 'a t * 'a -> Runnable.t
Another advantage of
> > val prepare: 'a t * 'a -> Runnable.t
> > val prepareFn: 'a t * (unit -> 'a) -> Runnable.t
is that the interface is smaller. I think that simplicity/uniformity
is nice. Compare
prepare t
prepareVal (t, x)
prepare (t, ())
prepare (t, x)
With the lightweight anonymous function syntax of SML, I'd almost go
to just having a single function
prepare: 'a t * (unit -> 'a) -> Runnable.t
prepare (t, fn _ => ())
prepare (t, fn _ => x)
looks a little to messy to me, and we both agree that prepareFn is
pretty uncommon.
I don't think it's a big deal either way, since most people would
use some higher-level threads package.