[MLton] cvs commit: major improvements to -show-basis

Stephen Weeks sweeks@mlton.org
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 09:58:44 -0800

sweeks      04/02/11 09:58:43

  Modified:    mlton/elaborate elaborate-env.fun interface.fun
               mlton/main main.fun
  MAIL major improvements to -show-basis
  Pretty print signatures and functors when laying out a basis.
  Wherever possible when laying out structures, use a signature
  identifier to describe the structure, and add where clauses to define
  the flexible types of the signature.
  Please try this out, both for the basis library and for user programs
  and send bug reports and suggestions for improvement.

Revision  Changes    Path
1.61      +253 -164  mlton/mlton/elaborate/elaborate-env.fun

Index: elaborate-env.fun
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/elaborate/elaborate-env.fun,v
retrieving revision 1.60
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -r1.60 -r1.61
--- elaborate-env.fun	11 Feb 2004 08:09:23 -0000	1.60
+++ elaborate-env.fun	11 Feb 2004 17:58:43 -0000	1.61
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@
    open Interface
+   structure Shape = Shape
    structure Status = Status
@@ -252,10 +253,10 @@
 val allTycons: Tycon.t list ref = ref (List.map (Tycon.prims, #1))
 val newTycons: (Tycon.t * Kind.t) list ref = ref []
-val newTycon: string * Kind.t * AdmitsEquality.t -> Tycon.t =
-   fn (s, k, a) =>
+val newTycon: string * Kind.t * AdmitsEquality.t * {newString: bool} -> Tycon.t =
+   fn (s, k, a, {newString}) =>
-      val c = Tycon.newString s
+      val c = Tycon.fromString s
       val _ = TypeEnv.initAdmitsEquality (c, a)
       val _ = List.push (allTycons, c)
       val _ = List.push (newTycons, (c, k))
@@ -284,24 +285,28 @@
       fun eq (s: t, s': t): bool = PropertyList.equals (plist s, plist s')
-      fun layoutUsed (T {strs, types, vals, ...}) =
-	 let
-	    open Layout
-	    fun doit (Info.T a, lay): Layout.t =
-	       align
-	       (Array.foldr (a, [], fn ({domain, isUsed, range}, ac) =>
-			     if not (!isUsed)
-				then ac
-			     else lay (domain, range) :: ac))
-	    fun doitn (i, name, lay) =
-	       doit (i, fn (d, _) => seq [str name, lay d])
-	 in
-	    align [doitn (types, "type ", Ast.Tycon.layout),
-		   doitn (vals, "val ", Ast.Vid.layout),
-		   doit (strs, fn (d, r) =>
-			 align [seq [str "structure ", Strid.layout d],
-				indent (layoutUsed r, 3)])]
-	 end
+      local
+	 fun make (field, toSymbol) (T fields, domain) =
+	    Info.peek (field fields, domain, toSymbol)
+      in
+	 val peekStrid' = make (#strs, Ast.Strid.toSymbol)
+	 val peekVid' = make (#vals, Ast.Vid.toSymbol)
+	 val peekTycon' = make (#types, Ast.Tycon.toSymbol)
+      end
+      fun peekStrid z = Option.map (peekStrid' z, #range)
+      fun peekTycon z = Option.map (peekTycon' z, #range)
+      fun peekVid z = Option.map (peekVid' z, #range)
+      local
+	 fun make (from, de) (S, x) =
+	    case peekVid (S, from x) of
+	       NONE => NONE
+	     | SOME (vid, s) => Option.map (de vid, fn z => (z, s))
+      in
+	 val peekCon = make (Ast.Vid.fromCon, Vid.deCon)
+	 val peekVar = make (Ast.Vid.fromVar, Vid.deVar)
+      end
       fun layout (T {strs, vals, types, ...}) =
@@ -314,18 +319,36 @@
       fun hasInterface (S: t, I: Interface.t): bool =
 	 case interface S of
 	    NONE => false
-	  | SOME I' => Interface.sameShape (I, I')
+	  | SOME I' => Shape.equals (Interface.shape I, Interface.shape I')
       val hasInterface =
 	 Trace.trace2 ("Structure.hasInterface", layout, Interface.layout,
 		       Bool.layout) hasInterface
+      fun realize (S: t, I: Interface.t, realizeTycon) =
+	 let
+	    type data = {nest: Strid.t list,
+			 str: t option}
+	    fun followStrid ({nest, str}, s) =
+	       {nest = s :: nest,
+		str = (case str of
+			  NONE => NONE
+			| SOME S => peekStrid (S, s))}
+	 in
+	    Interface.realize (I, {followStrid = followStrid,
+				   init = {nest = [], str = SOME S},
+				   realizeTycon = realizeTycon})
+	 end
 	 open Layout
-	 fun layouts (keep: {isUsed: bool} -> bool) =
+	 fun layouts (keep: {isUsed: bool} -> bool,
+		      shapeSigid: Shape.t -> (Sigid.t * Interface.t) option) =
-	       fun layoutTypeSpec (name: Ast.Tycon.t, s) =
+	       fun layoutTypeSpec (n, s) =
+		  layoutTypeSpec' (Ast.Tycon.layout n, s, {allowData = true})
+	       and layoutTypeSpec' (name: Layout.t, s, {allowData: bool}) =
 		     val {destroy, lay} = Type.makeLayoutPretty ()
 		     val lay = #1 o lay
@@ -346,23 +369,26 @@
 					   (Vector.toList (Vector.map (tyvars, lay)),
 					    ", "))),
 			       str " "]
-		     val def = seq [str "type ", args,
-				    Ast.Tycon.layout name, str " = "]
+		     val def = seq [str "type ", args, name, str " = "]
 		     val res = 
 			case TypeStr.node s of
-			   TypeStr.Datatype {cons = Cons.T cs, ...} =>
-			      let
-				 val cs =
-				    Vector.toListMap
-				    (cs, fn {name, scheme, ...} =>
-				     seq [Ast.Con.layout name,
-					  case (Type.deArrowOpt
-						(Scheme.apply (scheme, tyvars))) of
-					     NONE => empty
-					   | SOME (t, _) => seq [str " of ", lay t]])
-			      in
-				 seq [str "data", def, alignPrefix (cs, "| ")]
-			      end
+			   TypeStr.Datatype {cons = Cons.T cs, tycon} =>
+			      if allowData
+				 then
+				    let
+				       val cs =
+					  Vector.toListMap
+					  (cs, fn {name, scheme, ...} =>
+					   seq [Ast.Con.layout name,
+						case (Type.deArrowOpt
+						      (Scheme.apply (scheme, tyvars))) of
+						   NONE => empty
+						 | SOME (t, _) => seq [str " of ", lay t]])
+				    in
+				       seq [str "data", def, alignPrefix (cs, "| ")]
+				    end
+			      else
+				 seq [def, lay (Type.con (tycon, tyvars))]
 			 | TypeStr.Scheme s =>
 			      seq [def, lay (Scheme.apply (s, tyvars))]
 			 | TypeStr.Tycon c =>
@@ -390,9 +416,15 @@
 		      | Var _ => simple "val"
 	       fun layoutStrSpec (d: Strid.t, r) =
-		  align [seq [str "structure ", Strid.layout d, str ":"],
-			 indent (layoutPretty r, 3)]
-	       and layoutPretty (T {strs, vals, types, ...}) =
+		  let
+		     val (l, {messy}) = layoutAbbrev r
+		     val bind = seq [str "structure ", Strid.layout d, str ":"]
+		  in
+		     if messy
+			then align [bind, indent (l, 3)]
+		     else seq [bind, str " ", l]
+		  end
+	       and layoutStr (T {strs, vals, types, ...}) =
 		     fun doit (Info.T a, layout) =
 			align (Array.foldr
@@ -409,38 +441,47 @@
 		      str "end"]
+               and layoutAbbrev (S as T {interface, ...}) =
+		  case interface of
+		     NONE => (layoutStr S, {messy = true})
+		   | SOME I =>
+			case shapeSigid (Interface.shape I) of
+			   NONE => (layoutStr S, {messy = true})
+			 | SOME (s, I) =>
+			      let
+				 val wheres = ref []
+				 fun realizeTycon ({nest, str = S}, c, _, _, _) =
+				    case S of
+				       NONE => Error.bug "missing structure"
+				     | SOME S =>
+					  case peekTycon (S, c) of
+					     NONE => Error.bug "missing tycon"
+					   | SOME typeStr =>
+						(List.push
+						 (wheres,
+						  seq [str "where ",
+						       layoutTypeSpec'
+						       (Ast.Longtycon.layout
+							(Ast.Longtycon.long
+							 (rev nest, c)),
+							typeStr,
+							{allowData = false})])
+						 ; typeStr)
+				 val _ = realize (S, I, realizeTycon)
+			      in
+				 (align (Sigid.layout s :: (rev (!wheres))),
+				  {messy = false})
+			      end
-	       {str = layoutPretty,
+	       {layoutAbbrev = layoutAbbrev,
+		layoutStr = layoutStr,
 		strSpec = layoutStrSpec,
 		typeSpec = layoutTypeSpec,
 		valSpec = layoutValSpec}
-      fun layoutPretty S = #str (layouts (fn _ => true)) S
-      local
-	 fun make (field, toSymbol) (T fields, domain) =
-	    Info.peek (field fields, domain, toSymbol)
-      in
-	 val peekStrid' = make (#strs, Ast.Strid.toSymbol)
-	 val peekVid' = make (#vals, Ast.Vid.toSymbol)
-	 val peekTycon' = make (#types, Ast.Tycon.toSymbol)
-      end
-      fun peekStrid z = Option.map (peekStrid' z, #range)
-      fun peekTycon z = Option.map (peekTycon' z, #range)
-      fun peekVid z = Option.map (peekVid' z, #range)
-      local
-	 fun make (from, de) (S, x) =
-	    case peekVid (S, from x) of
-	       NONE => NONE
-	     | SOME (vid, s) => Option.map (de vid, fn z => (z, s))
-      in
-	 val peekCon = make (Ast.Vid.fromCon, Vid.deCon)
-	 val peekVar = make (Ast.Vid.fromVar, Vid.deVar)
-      end
+      fun layoutPretty S = #layoutStr (layouts (fn _ => true, fn _ => NONE)) S
       datatype 'a peekResult =
 	 Found of 'a
@@ -807,18 +848,122 @@
+fun dummyStructure (T {strs, types, vals, ...},
+		    I: Interface.t,
+		    {prefix: string, tyconNewString: bool})
+   : Structure.t * (Structure.t * (Tycon.t * TypeStr.t -> unit) -> unit) =
+   let
+      val tycons: (Longtycon.t * Tycon.t) list ref = ref []
+      type data = {nest: Strid.t list}
+      fun followStrid ({nest}, s) =
+	 {nest = s :: nest}
+      fun realizeTycon ({nest}, c: Ast.Tycon.t, a, k, _) =
+	 let
+	    val name =
+	       concat (prefix
+		       :: (List.fold (nest, [Ast.Tycon.toString c], fn (s, ss) =>
+				      Strid.toString s :: "." :: ss)))
+	    val c' = newTycon (name, k, a, {newString = tyconNewString})
+	    val _ = List.push (tycons, (Longtycon.long (rev nest, c), c'))
+	  in
+	     TypeStr.tycon (c', k)
+	  end
+      val I =
+	 Interface.realize
+	 (I, {followStrid = followStrid,
+	      init = {nest = []},
+	      realizeTycon = realizeTycon})
+      val tycons = !tycons
+      val {get, ...} =
+	 Property.get
+	 (Interface.plist,
+	  Property.initRec
+	  (fn (I, get) =>
+	   let
+	      val {strs, types, vals} = Interface.dest I
+	      val strs =
+		 Array.map (strs, fn (name, I) =>
+			    {domain = name,
+			     isUsed = ref false,
+			     range = get I})
+	      val types =
+		 Array.map (types, fn (name, s) =>
+			    {domain = name,
+			     isUsed = ref false,
+			     range = Interface.TypeStr.toEnv s})
+	      val vals =
+		 Array.map (vals, fn (name, (status, scheme)) =>
+			    let
+			       val con = CoreML.Con.fromString o Ast.Vid.toString
+			       val var = CoreML.Var.fromString o Ast.Vid.toString
+			       val vid =
+				  case status of
+				     Status.Con => Vid.Con (con name)
+				   | Status.Exn => Vid.Exn (con name)
+				   | Status.Var => Vid.Var (var name)
+			    in
+			       {domain = name,
+				isUsed = ref false,
+				range = (vid, Interface.Scheme.toEnv scheme)}
+			    end)
+	   in
+	      Structure.T {interface = SOME I,
+			   plist = PropertyList.new (),
+			   strs = Info.T strs,
+			   types = Info.T types,
+			   vals = Info.T vals}
+	   end))
+      val S = get I
+      fun instantiate (S', f) =
+	 List.foreach (tycons, fn (long, c) =>
+		       case Structure.peekLongtycon (S', long) of
+			  NONE => Error.bug "structure missing longtycon"
+			| SOME s=> f (c, s))
+   in
+      (S, instantiate)
+   end
+val dummyStructure =
+   Trace.trace ("dummyStructure",
+		Interface.layout o #2,
+		Structure.layoutPretty o #1)
+   dummyStructure
 fun layout' (E: t, f, fStr): Layout.t =
       val _ = setTyconNames E
       val {fcts, sigs, strs, types, vals} = collect (E, f)
       open Layout
       fun doit (a, layout) = align (Array.toListMap (a, layout))
-      val {strSpec, typeSpec, valSpec, ...} = Structure.layouts fStr
+      val {get = shapeSigid: Shape.t -> (Sigid.t * Interface.t) option,
+	   set = setShapeSigid, ...} =
+	 Property.getSet (Shape.plist, Property.initConst NONE)
+      val _ = Array.foreach (sigs, fn (s, I) =>
+			     setShapeSigid (Interface.shape I, SOME (s, I)))
+      val {layoutAbbrev, layoutStr, strSpec, typeSpec, valSpec, ...} =
+	 Structure.layouts (fStr, shapeSigid)
+      val sigs =
+	 doit (sigs, fn (sigid, I) =>
+	       let
+		  val (S, _) = dummyStructure (E, I, {prefix = "",
+						      tyconNewString = false})
+	       in
+		  align [seq [str "signature ", Sigid.layout sigid, str " = "],
+			 indent (layoutStr S, 3)]
+	       end)
+      val fcts =
+	 doit (fcts, fn (s, FunctorClosure.T {formal, result, ...}) =>
+	       align [seq [str "functor ", Fctid.layout s, str " ",
+			   paren (seq [str "S: ", #1 (layoutAbbrev formal)])],
+		      case result of
+			   NONE => empty
+			 | SOME S =>
+			      indent (seq [str ": ", #1 (layoutAbbrev S)], 3)])
       align [doit (types, typeSpec),
 	     doit (vals, valSpec),
-	     doit (sigs, fn (s, _) => seq [str "signature ", Sigid.layout s]),
-	     doit (fcts, fn (s, _) => seq [str "functor ", Fctid.layout s]),
+	     sigs,
+	     fcts,
 	     doit (strs, strSpec)]
@@ -1251,84 +1396,6 @@
-fun dummyStructure (T {strs, types, vals, ...}, prefix: string, I: Interface.t)
-   : Structure.t * (Structure.t * (Tycon.t * TypeStr.t -> unit) -> unit) =
-   let
-      val tycons: (Longtycon.t * Tycon.t) list ref = ref []
-      type data = {nest: Strid.t list}
-      fun followStrid ({nest}, s) =
-	 {nest = s :: nest}
-      fun realizeTycon ({nest}, c: Ast.Tycon.t, a, k, _) =
-	 let
-	    val name =
-	       concat (List.fold (nest, [Ast.Tycon.toString c], fn (s, ss) =>
-				  Strid.toString s :: ss))
-	    val c' = newTycon (name, k, a)
-	    val _ = List.push (tycons, (Longtycon.long (rev nest, c), c'))
-	  in
-	     TypeStr.tycon (c', k)
-	  end
-      val I =
-	 Interface.realize
-	 (I, {followStrid = followStrid,
-	      init = {nest = []},
-	      realizeTycon = realizeTycon})
-      val tycons = !tycons
-      val {get, ...} =
-	 Property.get
-	 (Interface.plist,
-	  Property.initRec
-	  (fn (I, get) =>
-	   let
-	      val {strs, types, vals} = Interface.dest I
-	      val strs =
-		 Array.map (strs, fn (name, I) =>
-			    {domain = name,
-			     isUsed = ref false,
-			     range = get I})
-	      val types =
-		 Array.map (types, fn (name, s) =>
-			    {domain = name,
-			     isUsed = ref false,
-			     range = Interface.TypeStr.toEnv s})
-	      val vals =
-		 Array.map (vals, fn (name, (status, scheme)) =>
-			    let
-			       val con = CoreML.Con.fromString o Ast.Vid.toString
-			       val var = CoreML.Var.fromString o Ast.Vid.toString
-			       val vid =
-				  case status of
-				     Status.Con => Vid.Con (con name)
-				   | Status.Exn => Vid.Exn (con name)
-				   | Status.Var => Vid.Var (var name)
-			    in
-			       {domain = name,
-				isUsed = ref false,
-				range = (vid, Interface.Scheme.toEnv scheme)}
-			    end)
-	   in
-	      Structure.T {interface = SOME I,
-			   plist = PropertyList.new (),
-			   strs = Info.T strs,
-			   types = Info.T types,
-			   vals = Info.T vals}
-	   end))
-      val S = get I
-      fun instantiate (S', f) =
-	 List.foreach (tycons, fn (long, c) =>
-		       case Structure.peekLongtycon (S', long) of
-			  NONE => Error.bug "structure missing longtycon"
-			| SOME s=> f (c, s))
-   in
-      (S, instantiate)
-   end
-val dummyStructure =
-   Trace.trace ("dummyStructure",
-		Interface.layout o #3,
-		Structure.layoutPretty o #1)
-   dummyStructure
 fun makeOpaque (E: t, S: Structure.t, I: Interface.t, {prefix: string}) =
       fun fixCons (Cons.T cs, Cons.T cs') =
@@ -1344,7 +1411,8 @@
 	      {con = con, name = name, scheme = scheme}
-      val (S', instantiate) = dummyStructure (E, prefix, I)
+      val (S', instantiate) = dummyStructure (E, I, {prefix = prefix,
+						     tyconNewString = true})
       val _ = instantiate (S, fn (c, s) =>
 			   (c, fn ts => TypeStr.apply (s, ts)))
@@ -1688,7 +1756,8 @@
 	    val strs =
 	       map (structStrs, sigStrs, strids,
 		    "structure", Strid.equals, Strid.layout,
-		    fn I => #1 (dummyStructure (E, "", I)),
+		    fn I => #1 (dummyStructure (E, I, {prefix = "",
+						       tyconNewString = true})),
 		    fn (name, S, I) => cut (S, I, name :: strids))
 	    val types =
 	       map (structTypes, sigTypes, strids,
@@ -1787,18 +1856,13 @@
 			 types = types,
 			 vals = vals}
-      type data = {nest: Strid.t list,
-		   str: Structure.t option}
-      fun followStrid ({nest, str}, s) =
-	 {nest = s :: nest,
-	  str = (case str of
-		    NONE => NONE
-		  | SOME S => Structure.peekStrid (S, s))}
       fun realizeTycon ({nest, str}, c, a, k, {hasCons}) =
 	    fun long () = Longtycon.long (rev nest, c)
 	    fun bad () =
-	       TypeStr.tycon (newTycon (Longtycon.toString (long ()), k, a), k)
+	       TypeStr.tycon (newTycon (Longtycon.toString (long ()), k, a,
+					{newString = true}),
+			      k)
 	    case str of
 	       NONE => bad ()
@@ -1861,10 +1925,7 @@
 			      else typeStr
-      val I' =
-	 Interface.realize (I, {followStrid = followStrid,
-				init = {nest = [], str = SOME S},
-				realizeTycon = realizeTycon})
+      val I' = Structure.realize (S, I, realizeTycon)
       val S = cut (S, I', [])
       val _ = destroy ()
@@ -1983,20 +2044,45 @@
     argInt: Interface.t,
     makeBody: Structure.t * string list -> Decs.t * Structure.t option) =
+      (* Keep track of the first tycon currently at the front of allTycons.
+       * Once we are done elaborating the body, we can remove all the dummy
+       * tycons created while elaborating the body by removing everything from
+       * allTycons up to firstTycon.
+       *)
+      val firstTycon =
+	 case !allTycons of
+	    [] => Error.bug "no front of allTycons"
+	  | c :: _ => c
       (* Need to tick here so that any tycons created in the dummy structure
        * for the functor formal have a new time, and will therefore report an
        * error if they occur before the functor declaration.
       val _ = TypeEnv.tick {useBeforeDef = fn _ => Error.bug "functor tick"}
-      val (formal, instantiate) = dummyStructure (E, prefix, argInt)
+      val (formal, instantiate) =
+	 dummyStructure (E, argInt, {prefix = prefix, tyconNewString = false})
       val _ = useFunctorSummary := true
       (* Keep track of all tycons created during the instantiation of the
        * functor.  These will later become the generative tycons that will need
        * to be recreated for each functor application.
+       * This has two beneficial effects.
+       * 1. It keeps allTycons smaller.
+       * 2. It keeps the names of these tycons from being set by setTyconNames,
+       *    which they always would be because they are now out of scope.
       val _ = newTycons := []
       val (_, result) = makeBody (formal, [])
       val generative = !newTycons
+      val _ = allTycons := let
+			      fun loop cs =
+				 case cs of
+				    [] => Error.bug "allTycons missing front"
+				  | c :: cs =>
+				       if Tycon.equals (c, firstTycon)
+					  then cs
+				       else loop cs
+			   in
+			      loop (!allTycons)
+			   end
       val _ = newTycons := []
       val _ = useFunctorSummary := false
       val restore =
@@ -2025,7 +2111,8 @@
 		   (c, SOME (TypeStr.tycon
 			     (newTycon (Tycon.originalName c, k,
-					! (TypeEnv.tyconAdmitsEquality c)),
+					! (TypeEnv.tyconAdmitsEquality c),
+					{newString = true}),
 	       fun replaceType (t: Type.t): Type.t =
@@ -2297,4 +2384,6 @@
 		      vals = make (#vals, Ast.Vid.toSymbol)}
+val newTycon = fn (s, k, a) => newTycon (s, k, a, {newString = true})

1.21      +24 -11    mlton/mlton/elaborate/interface.fun

Index: interface.fun
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/elaborate/interface.fun,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.20 -r1.21
--- interface.fun	7 Feb 2004 03:09:23 -0000	1.20
+++ interface.fun	11 Feb 2004 17:58:43 -0000	1.21
@@ -39,7 +39,22 @@
 structure Set = DisjointSet
-structure ShapeId = UniqueId ()
+structure Shape =
+   struct
+      datatype t = T of {plist: PropertyList.t}
+      local
+	 fun make f (T r) = f r
+      in
+	 val plist = make #plist
+      end
+      fun layout (T _) = Layout.str "<shape>"
+      fun new () = T {plist = PropertyList.new ()}
+      fun equals (s, s') = PropertyList.equals (plist s, plist s')
+   end
 structure Status:
@@ -816,7 +831,7 @@
 datatype t = T of {copy: copy,
 		   plist: PropertyList.t,
-		   shapeId: ShapeId.t,
+		   shape: Shape.t,
 		   strs: (Ast.Strid.t * t) array,
 		   types: (Ast.Tycon.t * TypeStr.t) array,
 		   uniqueId: UniqueId.t,
@@ -826,7 +841,7 @@
 fun new {strs, types, vals} =
    T (Set.singleton {copy = ref NONE,
 		     plist = PropertyList.new (),
-		     shapeId = ShapeId.new (),
+		     shape = Shape.new (),
 		     strs = strs,
 		     types = types,
 		     uniqueId = UniqueId.new (),
@@ -840,7 +855,7 @@
    fun make f (T s) = f (Set.value s)
    val plist = make #plist
-   val shapeId = make #shapeId
+   val shape = make #shape
    val strs = make #strs
    val types = make #types
    val uniqueId = make #uniqueId
@@ -852,9 +867,9 @@
    fun layout (T s) =
-	 val {shapeId, strs, types, uniqueId = u, vals, ...} = Set.value s
+	 val {shape, strs, types, uniqueId = u, vals, ...} = Set.value s
-	 record [("shapeId", ShapeId.layout shapeId),
+	 record [("shape", Shape.layout shape),
 		 ("uniqueId", UniqueId.layout u),
@@ -950,8 +965,6 @@
 	     ; NONE)
-fun sameShape (m, m') = ShapeId.equals (shapeId m, shapeId m')
 fun share (I: t, ls: Longstrid.t, I': t, ls': Longstrid.t, time): unit =
       fun lay (s, ls, strids, name) =
@@ -965,7 +978,7 @@
       fun share (I as T s, I' as T s', strids): unit = 
-	 if sameShape (I, I')
+	 if Shape.equals (shape I, shape I')
 		  fun loop (T s, T s', strids): unit =
@@ -1060,7 +1073,7 @@
       val copies: copy list ref = ref []
       fun loop (I as T s, a: 'a): t =
-	    val {copy, shapeId, strs, types, vals, ...} = Set.value s
+	    val {copy, shape, strs, types, vals, ...} = Set.value s
 	    case !copy of
 	       NONE =>
@@ -1106,7 +1119,7 @@
 				   (name, loop (I, followStrid (a, name))))
 		     val I = T (Set.singleton {copy = ref NONE,
 					       plist = PropertyList.new (),
-					       shapeId = shapeId,
+					       shape = shape,
 					       strs = strs,
 					       types = types,
 					       uniqueId = UniqueId.new (),

1.15      +8 -1      mlton/mlton/elaborate/interface.sig

Index: interface.sig
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/elaborate/interface.sig,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
--- interface.sig	7 Feb 2004 03:09:24 -0000	1.14
+++ interface.sig	11 Feb 2004 17:58:43 -0000	1.15
@@ -93,6 +93,13 @@
       sharing TypeStr.Tycon = Tycon
       sharing TypeStr.Type = Type
       sharing TypeStr.Tyvar = EnvTypeStr.Tyvar = Tyvar
+      structure Shape:
+	 sig
+	    type t
+	    val equals: t * t -> bool
+	    val plist: t -> PropertyList.t
+	 end
       type t
@@ -126,6 +133,6 @@
 			     * {hasCons: bool} -> EnvTypeStr.t)}
 	 -> t
       val renameTycons: (unit -> unit) ref
-      val sameShape: t * t -> bool
+      val shape: t -> Shape.t
       val share: t * Ast.Longstrid.t * t * Ast.Longstrid.t * Time.t -> unit

1.24      +11 -5     mlton/mlton/main/main.fun

Index: main.fun
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/main/main.fun,v
retrieving revision 1.23
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -r1.23 -r1.24
--- main.fun	9 Feb 2004 22:58:23 -0000	1.23
+++ main.fun	11 Feb 2004 17:58:43 -0000	1.24
@@ -532,6 +532,14 @@
 	    (a, _) :: (b, _) :: _ =>
 	       usage (concat ["can't use both ", a, " and ", b])
 	  | _ => ()
+      val _ =
+	 if !showBasis orelse !showBasisUsed
+	    then (stop := Place.TypeCheck
+		  ; warnNonExhaustive := false)
+	 else ()
+      val stop = !stop
+      val _ = elaborateOnly := (stop = Place.TypeCheck
+				andalso not (!warnNonExhaustive))
       fun printVersion (out: Out.t): unit =
 	 Out.output (out, concat [version, " ", build, "\n"])
@@ -539,7 +547,7 @@
       Result.No msg => usage msg
     | Result.Yes [] =>
 	 (inputFile := "<none>"
-	  ; if !showBasis orelse (!stop = Place.TypeCheck)
+	  ; if !showBasis orelse stop = Place.TypeCheck
 		  trace (Top, "Type Check Basis")
 		  Compile.elaborate {input = []}
@@ -581,7 +589,6 @@
 		   then File.withIn (f, fn _ => ())
 		else usage (concat ["invalid file suffix: ", f]))
 	    val csoFiles = rest
-	    val stop = !stop
 	    case Place.compare (start, stop) of
 	       GREATER => usage (concat ["cannot go from ", Place.toString start,
@@ -768,9 +775,8 @@
 			val _ =
 			   case stop of
 			      Place.TypeCheck =>
-				 (elaborateOnly := not (!warnNonExhaustive)
-				  ; (trace (Top, "Type Check SML")
-				     Compile.elaborate {input = files}))
+				 trace (Top, "Type Check SML")
+				 Compile.elaborate {input = files}
 			    | _ => 
 				 trace (Top, "Compile SML")