[MLton] OpenGL
Mike Thomas
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 13:46:36 +1000
| > Have you built/run any of the examples on Linux yet?
| Just tried. Got the following error.
| gcc -c GLUT_c.c
| GLUT_c.c:3:21: GL/glut.h: No such file or directory
| Here's what's available on my RedHat 9 machine.
| % ls /usr/include/GL
| glext.h GLwDrawA.h GLwMDrawAP.h glxint.h glxtokens.h
| gl.h GLwDrawAP.h glxext.h glxmd.h osmesa.h
| glu.h GLwMDrawA.h glx.h glxproto.h
That's unfortunate - you need glut.h. As you might have guessed I'm not up
on the latest Linux stuff but Google just turned this up re installing GLUT
and RH 9.0:
Mike Thomas.