[MLton] refs in ssa

Lukasz S Ziarek lziarek@cs.purdue.edu
Tue, 9 Mar 2004 17:29:27 -0500 (EST)

As a sanity check, I checked out the latest version of mlton from cvs. I
add the following change and only the following change. I still get vector
lenghts of 0,1,2,3,4.. etc. I included the entire function to show the
entire scope for the variable args.  My test cases are just the benchmark

before change:
fun doitStatement (stmt as Statement.T {var, ty, exp}) =
	 case exp of
	    ConApp {con, args} =>
	       Statement.T {var = var,
			    ty = ty,
			    exp = ConApp {con = con,
					  args = flattens (args, conArgs
	  | _ => stmt

after change:
fun doitStatement (stmt as Statement.T {var, ty, exp}) =
	 case exp of
	    ConApp {con, args} =>
	       Statement.T {var = var,
			    ty = ty,
			    exp = ConApp {con = con,
					  args = flattens (args, conArgs
          | PrimApp{prim, targs, args} =>
              (case Prim.name prim
                of Ref_ref =>
                   let val i = Vector.length(args)
                       val _ = print(Int.toString i)
                       val _ = print("\n")
                   in stmt
                 | _ => stmt)

	  | _ => stmt