[MLton] HOL's Moscow ML implementation, and pushing MLton to
emulate it
Martin Elsman
Fri, 01 Apr 2005 13:29:22 +0200
The problem you're having seems closely related to the problem of
supporting separate compilation in the presence of intermodule
optimization in some compilers. If your values (representing theories,
etc.) do not contain closures, you may consider a type-indexed
pickle/unpickle approach, as used in separate compilation schemes for
the MLKit and SML.NET. Andrew Kennedy has a functional pearl paper on
Pickler combinators in the newest JFP. To see how this approach can be
extended to work also for cyclic data structures, see my tech report
on the topic [1]. Below is the signature for a pickler library
supporting serialization of cyclic data structures. Most of the
combinators are documented in the comments following the
signature. The implementation can be downloaded from
Best Regards,
[1] Martin Elsman. Type-Specialized Serialization with Sharing. IT
University of Copenhagen. IT University Technical Report
Series. TR-2004-43. February,
2004. http://www.it.edu/people/mael/mypapers/ITU-TR-2004-43.pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=pickle.sig
Content-Description: pickle.sig
(* Generic pickle module
* Copyright, Martin Elsman 2003-01-07
* GPL Licence
signature PICKLE =
type instream and outstream
type 'a pickler = 'a -> outstream -> outstream
type 'a unpickler = instream -> 'a * instream
type 'a pu
val pickler : 'a pu -> 'a pickler
val unpickler : 'a pu -> 'a unpickler
val word : word pu
val word32 : Word32.word pu
val int : int pu
val int32 : Int32.int pu
val bool : bool pu
val string : string pu
val char : char pu
val time : Time.time pu
val real : real pu
val unit : unit pu
val pairGen : 'a pu * 'b pu -> ('a * 'b) pu
val tup3Gen : 'a pu * 'b pu * 'c pu -> ('a * 'b * 'c) pu
val tup4Gen : 'a pu * 'b pu * 'c pu * 'd pu -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) pu
val pairGen0 : 'a pu * 'b pu -> ('a * 'b) pu
val tup3Gen0 : 'a pu * 'b pu * 'c pu -> ('a * 'b * 'c) pu
val tup4Gen0 : 'a pu * 'b pu * 'c pu * 'd pu -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) pu
val refEqGen : ('a ref * 'a ref -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a pu -> 'a ref pu
val refGen : 'a -> 'a pu -> 'a ref pu
val ref0Gen : 'a pu -> 'a ref pu
val refOneGen : 'a pu -> 'a ref pu
val ref0EqGen : ('a ref * 'a ref -> bool) -> 'a pu -> 'a ref pu
val ref0ShGen : 'a pu -> 'a ref pu
val listGen : 'a pu -> 'a list pu
val optionGen : 'a pu -> 'a option pu
val vectorGen : 'a pu -> 'a Vector.vector pu
val shareGen : 'a pu -> 'a pu
val enumGen : string * ''a list -> ''a pu
val dataGen : string * ('a->int) * ('a pu -> 'a pu) list -> 'a pu
val data2Gen : string * ('a->int) * ('a pu * 'b pu -> 'a pu) list
* string * ('b->int) * ('a pu * 'b pu -> 'b pu) list
-> 'a pu * 'b pu
val data3Gen : string * ('a->int) * ('a pu * 'b pu * 'c pu -> 'a pu) list
* string * ('b->int) * ('a pu * 'b pu * 'c pu -> 'b pu) list
* string * ('c->int) * ('a pu * 'b pu * 'c pu -> 'c pu) list
-> 'a pu * 'b pu * 'c pu
val con0 : 'a -> 'b -> 'a pu
val con1 : ('a->'b) -> ('b->'a) -> 'a pu -> 'b pu
val empty : unit -> outstream
val toString : outstream -> string
val fromString: string -> instream
val fromStringHashCons : instream -> string -> instream
val convert : ('a->'b) * ('b->'a) -> 'a pu -> 'b pu
val convert0 : ('a->'b) * ('b->'a) -> 'a pu -> 'b pu
val cache : string -> ('a -> 'b pu) -> 'a -> 'b pu
val cache2 : string -> ('a -> 'b pu * 'c pu) -> 'a -> 'b pu * 'c pu
val register : string -> 'a list -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val registerEq: ('a*'a->bool) -> ('a->int)
-> string -> 'a list -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val hashCons : 'a pu -> 'a pu
val hashConsEq: ('a*'a->bool) -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val newHash : ('a -> int) -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val combHash : ('a -> int) -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val maybeNewHash : ('a -> int option) -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val debug : string -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val nameGen : string -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val comment : string -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val checkUnpickle : ('a -> unit) -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
val debugUnpickle : string -> 'a pu -> 'a pu
[instream] type of an instream.
[outstream] type of an outstream.
['a pickler] parameterized pickler type.
['a unpickler] parameterized unpickler type.
['a pu] parameterized type of a pair of a pickler and an unpickler.
[word] pickler-unpickler pair for word values.
[int] pickler-unpickler pair for int values.
[bool] pickler-unpickler pair for bool values.
[string] pickler-unpickler pair for string values.
[char] pickler-unpickler pair for char values.
[pairGen(pu1,pu2)] generates a pickler-unpickler for a pair given
pickler-unpicklers (pu1 and pu2) for the two components of the pair.
[refGen v pu] generates a ref-pickler given (1) a dummy value v of
the argument type (to deal with cycles) and (2) a pickler-unpickler
for the argument type.
[ref0Gen pu] generates a ref-pickler given a pickler-unpickler
for the argument type. The function assumes that the refs are
not involved in cycles.
[listGen pu] generates a pickler-unpickler for a list given a
pickler-unpickler pu for the type of the elements.
[optionGen pu] generates a pickler-unpickler for an option type given
a pickler-unpickler pu for the argument type to the option type.
[shareGen pu] given a pickler-unpickler for some type, the function
generates a pickler-unpickler, which implements sharing of equivalent
values (defined by structural equality).
[enumGen cs] generates a pickler-unpickler for an enumeration
datatype, given each value of the datatype.
[dataGen (toInt, puCons)] generates a pickler-unpickler for a
datatype given (1) a function toInt mapping a constructed value of
the datatype into the position of the pickler-unpickler for the
datatype in the puCons list and (2) a list of pickler-unpicklers for
each of the constructors of the datatype. Notice that the
pickler-unpickler for a contructor is parameterized over a
pickler-unpickler for the entire datatype, so that a
pickler-unpickler for a construtor may work for recursive
datatypes. Also notice, that the dataGen function implements sharing
(upto polymorphic equality) for the generated pickler-unpickler.
[dataGen2 (aToInt, aPuCons, bToInt, bPuCons)] works as dataGen, but
for two mutually recursive datatypes.
[empty()] returns an empty outstream.
[toString os] returns a string corresponding to output sent to the
outstream os.
[fromString s] returns an instream corresponding to the string s.
[fromStringHashCons is s] returns an instream corresponding to the
string s but with hashcons information from the instream is.
[get is] reads a word from the instream is.
[out (w,os)] writes a word to the outstream os.
[register vs pu] returns a pickler-unpickler with the property
that a pickled value equal to a value in vs is equal to the
value in vs when unpickled.