[MLton] upcoming release
Wesley W. Terpstra
Tue, 2 Aug 2005 15:23:39 +0200
On Aug 2, 2005, at 1:01 AM, Stephen Weeks wrote:
> It has been quite a while since our last release, so I would like to
> do a new one. There aren't any huge new features, but we have
> accumulated a number of bugfixes, as well as some small improvements:
> * better exception history
> * libraries: Int1, MLton.CallStack, MLton.Process.create, Word1
> * FFI improvements: support for symbols
Could we please revert the _address change?
ie: untyped _address, and not included by _symbol?
Not being able to take (without lying to MLton and C) pointers to
is a pretty big deal. Many C libraries need to be given a function
pointer cb.
> There was a minor problem with the Debian package in that lintian
> gives a number of "non-standard-file-perm" warnings, as well as a
> couple of "control-file-has-bad-owner" errors. If some Debian expert
> wants to look into it, please send mail and do so.
I think you forgot to use fakeroot...
ie: fakeroot ./debian/rule binary
I just built it and lintian said it was fine.
I checked against stable, since that's only a few months old anyways.
> Two platforms that I'd like to see in the release are not yet working.
> * Cygwin 1.5.18-1
> * MinGW
> I didn't try out MinGW, but I'd be happy for someone to give it a
> try. As I recall, we're still in the state where there is some
> strangeness in saving the world due to
No. That got fixed already somewhere along the way.
The problem at the moment is that a MLton built under MinGW fails
part way through building mllex/mlyacc:
The second stage bootstrap succeeds, however. So, mlton can build
itself, but not mlyacc. ;-)
Not having to use windows anymore, my motivation here is low.