[MLton] Emacs mode for editing ML Basis files
Vesa Karvonen
Fri, 5 Aug 2005 02:30:55 +0300
Quoting Stephen Weeks <sweeks@sweeks.com>:
> Aha. I found the problem. I had my own (unused) case macro sitting
> around from over a decade ago when I was trying to make Emacs Lisp
> look like Scheme :-).
How I wish Emacs would have originally been based on Scheme (or even
Common Lisp, which is impossible, of course). Well, to be fair, I can
think of much worse extension languages than Emacs Lisp.
> I found one case it doesn't handle well -- when an annotation is all
> on one line, as in
> local
> ann "warnUnused true" in a.sml end
> in
> b.sml
> end
Yes, I noticed the same basic issue today after bragging about the
indentation algorithm... :( It is essentially caused by the fact that
the indentation algo doesn't really know about blocks. I have a couple
of ideas on how to fix it, while keeping the simple table driven
nature of the indentation algorithm.
> I think it's worth putting this code in the SVN, for easier future
> editing, so you don't have to muck with the wiki. It's at
> doc/esml-mlb-mode.el, and can be accessed with ViewCVS at
> http://mlton.org/cgi-bin/viewsvn.cgi/mlton/trunk/doc/esml-mlb-mode.el?view=markup
> I also updated the wiki to point there.
Ok. Regarding the directory, I think that something like ide/emacs
might be good for possible future development (e.g. ide/eclipse).
> BTW, Vesa, I've been meaning to send you a MLton t-shirt in
> appreciation of your past (and hopefully future!) contributions to the
> MLton project. If you'll send my your address and size (M, L, XL),
> I'll drop one in the mail.
Wow, Thanks! Now I'll have something to wear to ICFP'05 and the ML
workshop! I will be in Tallinn September 26 - 29 (possibly 30).
Actually, if you are going to be there, you could perhaps save the
cost of mailing the shirt. However, my address is:
Vesa Karvonen
Kolmas linja 12 A 14
00530 Helsinki
As to the size, L is probably the safest bet. Thanks again!
-Vesa Karvonen