[MLton] Structures inside a function?
Matthew Fluet
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 10:02:28 -0500 (EST)
> The problem is that Math(...) is used on a RING.
> A RING includes multiplication, addition, comparison, and some guarantees.
> There is nothing to say a RING even _has_ a modulus.
Yes, I see.
> Any other suggestions?
Having mused briefly before seeing your reply, I was going to make another
point, which was that functors with non-type arguments are in some sense
suspect, because they cannot be instantiated in a local (expression)
scope. I many situations, this isn't a problem; but in some, it really
can be. For example, I believe that the Standard ML Basis Library has
such a problem with regards to the IO stream and sockets; namely, I don't
believe that there is a way to open a socket (a core-level operation) and
then lift that socket through the IO functors (a module-level operation)
to get an IMPERATIVE_IO structure for reading from the socket. (There is
a degenerate mechanism by opening the socket at the top-level, but then
you can't recover from errors nicely.)
> I suppose I could incorporate some sort of generalized state which has
> RING-specific type. For everything else I could use unit, but here include
> the modulus.
That appears to be one solution.
> However, how would I then curry this with the operators?
> Right now, for example, a GROUP looks like:
> signature GROUP =
> sig
> type t
> (* type s (* add some sort of magic state? *) *)
> val EQ: (* s -> *) (t * t) -> t
> val MUL: (* s -> *) (t * t) -> t
> val DIV: (* s -> *) (t * t) -> t
> val INV: (* s -> *) t -> t
> val one: (* s -> *) t
> ...
> end
> I then have a functor called GroupBinding like:
> functor GroupMulPercent(G : GROUP) =
> struct
> val (op *%) = G.MUL
> val (op /%) = G.DIV
> val (op !%) = G.INV
> ...
> end
> Is there a way to put the currying into the binding functor GroupMulPercent?
You could "prime the pump" with the state in the GroupMulPercent functor:
functor GroupMulPercent(sig structure G : GROUP val s : G.s end) =
val (op *%) = G.MUL s
val (op /%) = G.DIV s
val (op !%) = G.INV s
But, I suspect this just leads us in circles. You eventually want to pass
the x argument of factor as the state for a redisue ring.
> The list of functions in my example is small, but in the case of rings or
> polynomials gets quite large. The binding is designed so you can use many
> different groups with multiplication at once. eg: *%, *$, ...
That is an interesting technique for quickly generating different
Here is one more option. Structures and functors are good at generating
new types and new polymorphic values; if you require neither, then a
record is (pretty much) just as good. So, depending on the other
operations in your GROUP and RING signatures, the following might help.
signature GROUP =
structure Elt : sig type t end
datatype t = Group of {EQ: Elt.t * Elt.t -> Elt.t,
MUL: Elt.t * Elt.t -> Elt.t,
INV: Elt.t * Elt.t -> Elt.t,
one: Elt.t,
signature GROUP_FLAT =
include GROUP
val group : t (* the group which is flattented into the following *)
val EQ : Elt.t * Elt.t -> Elt.t
val MUL : Elt.t * Elt.t -> Elt.t
val INV : Elt.t * Elt.t -> Elt.t
val one : Elt.t
(* possibly even more that use polymorphism *)
functor FlattenGroup(sig
structure G : GROUP
val group : G.t
where type Elt.t = G.Elt.t
where type t = G.t =
val G.Group {EQ, MUL, INV, one, ...} = group
val group = group
(* possibly even more that use polymorphism *)
signature RING =
structure Elt : sig type t end
datatype t = Ring of {...}
signature RING_FLAT = ...
functor FlattenRing(...) = ...
signature MATH =
structure Ring : RING
datatype t = Math of {...}
signature MATH_FLAT = ...
functor Math(R : RING) : sig
include MATH
val mkMath : Ring.t -> t
functor FlattenMath(...) = ...
functor MathFlat(R : RING_FLAT) : MATH_FLAT where ... =
structure M = Math(R)
val math = mkMath R.ring
structure MF = FlattenMath(struct
structure M = M
val math = math
open MF
signature RESIDUE_PARAM =
structure Base: EUCLIDEAN_DOMAIN
functor Residue(P : RESIDUE_PARAM) : sig
include RING where Elt.t = Base.t
val mkRing : Elt.t -> t
end = ...
structure Base: EUCLIDEAN_DOMAIN
val modulus : Base.t
functor ResidueFlat(P : FLAT_RESIDUE_PARAM) : RING_FLAT where Elt.t = Base.t =
structure R = Residue(P)
val ring = mkRing P.modulus
val RF = FlattenRing(struct
structure R = R
val ring = ring
open RF
So, you can flatten a group/ring/math/etc. if you can construct such an
object at the top-level (which apparently is your common case). Once you
flatten such an object, you have more convenient access to its members.
However, if your group/ring/etc. depends on a runtime value (like your
factor example), then you can't flatten it. You'll still have all the
operations, just in record form. You can still project out each of the
operations. It is unforunate that you can't use your functor binding
trick; I think you will need to resort to cut-n-paste in those situations.
(It is truly unfortunate because there is no type-theoretic problem with
that sort of functor being used in a local scope; it is a clever way of
generating a bunch of val bindings (with no type or polymorphism)).
Although, after writing all this, I suspect this won't always help in your
situation, because I assume you want to say things like
signature RING =
include GROUP
(* the ring specific operations *)
indicating that every ring is also a group.