[MLton] mlton on mingw ?
Bernard Berthomieu
Tue, 29 Mar 2005 13:35:35 +0200
I have seen several references to MinGW in the mlton pages and
sources. I'm enquiring about the status of this port. Our potential
applications are not Unix-tied and it would be obviously helpful to
our Window users to avoid any cygwin installation.
As no binary distribution of mlton on MinGW seems available, what
exactly is the procedure to compile mlton for mingw ? Is there some
"howto" file somewhere that would describe the path ?
We tried to simply compile the sources using mingw, but this obviously
fails since a running mlton is required at some point. I guess we need
a cross-compiling gcc, and possibly a cross-compiling mlton too, to
build mlton-mingw from a linux or cygwin base ?
Thank you very much for any help.
Bernard Berthomieu ^
LAAS / CNRS . /_\
7, avenue du Colonel Roche / \/ \ phone +33/(0)5 61 33
63 63
31077 Toulouse Cedex / \ \ fax +33/(0)5 61 33
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France / \ \