[MLton] CommandLine_commandName has no gotoInfo property

Stephen Weeks sweeks@sweeks.com
Fri Aug 4 05:42:20 PDT 2006

> For mllex we get the error "CommandLine_commandName has no gotoInfo
> property". This appears to be a part of the x86 code generation
> phase and we were wondering what kind of error this would
> indicate. The way our transform works is we take SXML to our CPS
> representation, and then our CPS back to MLton's SSA. When we
> compile mllex, it successfully gets to machine, so there is some
> problem with the SSA code we generate which is not getting caught by
> the type checkers.

I suggest you work through all the regressions before testing larger
code like mllex.  That will make finding and fixing bugs easier.

Are you compiling with "-type-check true"?  You should do that to make
sure errors are caught as soon as possible.

Could you send the generated SSA (from -keep ssa)?  Please compile
with "-show-types true" so we can see all the types.

The "no gotoInfo property" indicates that CommandLine_commandName is
being used as the destination of a goto, i.e. as a code label.  That
certainly sounds like things are hopelessly confused.  I'm surprised
that things are passing the SSA type checker.  If we can see the SSA
it should be pretty easy to figure out what's wrong.  In fact, if you
look for CommandLine_commandName in the SSA you might be able to
figure it out yourself.

Finally, since it sounds like you guys are doing major hacking, would
it be helpful to work on your own branch in the MLton SVN repository
(assuming you're willing to put your stuff under the MLton license)?
That might help communication, as well as get more eyes looking at
your stuff.

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