[MLton] IntInf implementation questions
Henry Cejtin
Mon, 06 Feb 2006 16:17:33 -0600
As to why fill() in IntInf.c requires at least 2 limbs, my guess looking at
my old code is that it was (is?) to make sure that you can always fit any
32-bit int in it. I remember one had to be a bit cautious because of things
that were small but whose negation were not.
Sadly, I don't really remember what the reason for the restriction was.
Re quot and rem, I remember trying to use the mpn stuff (instead of the mpz
things) when ever possible because they didn't do as many internal
allocations. If you look at atleast the old (GMP 2.0.2) source for
mpz_tdiv_[qr], they do pretty much the same as IntInf_quot/rem do, and they
have all kinds of conditions under which they allocate. You have to be sure
that these routines do NOT allocate, or else you will end up with things
pointing in the malloc heap instead of the MLton one.