[MLton] bool array size

Stephen Weeks MLton@mlton.org
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:47:00 -0800

> Using the 20051201 version of MLton I see that an array of bools takes 4
> bytes per entry (plus the array header).  Why isn't this 1 byte?  

This is a peformance bug.  The problem is unique to booleans, and
doesn't show up with other enumerated types.  For example, the array
in the following code will have one byte per element.

datatype t = A | B
val a = Array.tabulate (100, fn i => if i mod 2 = 0 then A else B)
val () =
   (case Array.sub (a, 0) of
       A => "A\n"
     | B => "B\n")

Booleans are special because they appear in the FFI and hence their
external representation is fixed (4 bytes, 0 = false, 1 = true).
Unfortunately, the representation pass uses the 4-byte representation
internally.  The right thing to do is to use a 1-byte representation
internally and to coerce to/from the 4-byte representation when
crossing the FFI.  I think it would be reasonably easy for someone to
put this fix into the representation pass, probably with a day or
two's work.

> Is this part of the same problem that causes large array elements to
> always cause an extra indirection to get to the element?

I'm not sure what you mean here.