[MLton] Bug in defunctorize(?)
Matthew Fluet
fluet at tti-c.org
Thu Sep 20 16:35:34 PDT 2007
On Wed, 19 Sep 2007, Vesa Karvonen wrote:
> Running the
> ./Test.sh
> script in the mltonlib (rev 6035) directory
> com/ssh/generic/unstable
> produces the following output:
> [snipped]
> + mlton -mlb-path-map generated/mlb-path-map -prefer-abs-paths true
> -show-def-use generated/test.du -output generated/test -const
> 'Exn.keepHistory true' -type-check true -verbose 2 test.mlb
> MLton starting
> MLton MLTONVERSION (built Mon Sep 17 20:44:45 2007 on grape)
> created this file on Wed Sep 19 16:03:22 2007.
> Do not edit this file.
> Flag settings:
> [snipped]
> Compile SML starting
> pre codegen starting
> parseAndElaborate starting
> parseAndElaborate finished in 7.32 + 4.82 (40% GC)
> deadCode starting
> deadCode finished in 0.08 + 0.00 (0% GC)
> defunctorize starting
> defunctorize finished in 1.40 + 0.97 (41% GC)
> typeCheck starting
> typeCheck starting
> typeCheck raised in 0.53 + 1.04 (66% GC)
> typeCheck raised in 0.53 + 1.04 (66% GC)
> pre codegen raised in 11.98 + 6.83 (36% GC)
> Compile SML raised in 11.98 + 6.83 (36% GC)
> MLton raised in 11.98 + 6.83 (36% GC)
> unhandled exception: TypeError
I've checked in an apparent fix; the 'TypeError' exception is no longer
raised. However, I wasn't able to cut the code down to a smaller
test case, and I don't quite fully understand what is going wrong.
Here's what I did discover:
* Replacing the opaque signature match in detail/generic.sml with a
transparent signature match makes the 'TypeError' exception go away.
* Leaving the opaque signature match in detail/generic.sml and adding
'val mapPrinterZZZ = Generic.Pretty.mapPrinter' to the end of
detail/generic.sml causes the 'TypeError' exception, but the XML IL
fragment makes it clear that the error is due to the
'val mapPrinterZZZ = ...' binding.
* Replacing the opaque signature match with a transparent signature match
and adding
val mapPrinterZZZ : 'a Generic.Pretty.t UnOp.t -> ('a, 'x) Generic.PrettyRep.t UnOp.t = Generic.Pretty.mapPrinter'
makes the 'TypeError' exception go away. However, if one looks at the
.core-ml at the end of the parseAndElaborate pass, we see this:
val ('x, 'a) mapPrinterZZZ: ...[really big type]... =
mapPrinter_0 ('a WithArbitrary.t
* ((unit -> 'a) * ('a WithPickle.t * 'x)),
That's kind of odd. We're rebinding 'Generic.Pretty.mapPrinter' to its
type declared in the signature of 'Generic'. There is no reason to
re-generalize at a different type; we should just have the equivalent of
a type-level eta-expansion.
That seemed to suggest that there was something amiss with transparent
signature matching. In particular, that a polymorphic value matched
against a more specific instance wasn't being properly rebound to a new
That led to the following change to the
<src>/mlton/elaborate/elaborate-env.fun:transparentCut function:
fun cut (S, I, strids): Structure.t =
val seen = get S
case List.peek (!seen, fn (I', _) => Interface.equals (I, I')) of
fun really () = reallyCut (S, I, strids)
val S =
case Structure.interface S of
NONE => really ()
| SOME I' =>
+ if Interface.equals (I, I')
+ then S
+ else really ()
- let
- val origI = Interface.original I
- val origI' = Interface.original I'
- in
- if Interface.equals (origI, origI')
- then (checkMatch
- (Interface.flexibleTycons origI,
- S, I, strids)
- ; S)
- else really ()
- end
val _ = List.push (seen, (I, S))
| SOME (_, S) => S
and reallyCut (S, I, strids) =
As I understand it, the check for equivalence between the principal
signature of the structure and the signature being matched is an
optimization to avoid doing the coercive rebinding (affected by
'reallyCut'). However, I don't understand what an 'original' interface
is, and why the equivalence of original interfaces implies the equivalence
of the actual interfaces.
The conditions under which two 'original' signatures are judged equal when
the they should not be must be fairly subtle; Vesa's been working on the
generic code for a while, and it seems that even small modifications to
the source code leave things in such a way that this bug isn't triggered.
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