[MLton] Newer cygwin build of MLton?

Lars Bergstrom larsberg at cs.uchicago.edu
Sat Jul 12 09:53:40 PDT 2008

Is there either a newer cygwin build of MLton that includes some of  
the recent Windows FFI fixes or can somebody point me at instructions  
on how to bootstrap MLton under cygwin using SML/NJ?

I'm trying to compile some MLton projects under cygwin that make heavy  
use of OpenGL & GLUT, and am running into issues with it generating  
incorrect symbol imports. In particular, it's looking for stuff like  
_glMatrixMode at 16 instead of _glMatrixMode at 4. I'm assuming it's related  
to some of the other fixes for the Windows FFI where it was mis- 
estimating the number of bytes being passed to functions.

I've been unfortunately unable to just build MLton bootstrapping with  
the older cygwin build due to the GetTempFileName/CreateFile bug.  
MLton runs out of heap attempting to compile a new version of itself,  
attempts to page, and dies, otherwise that would be the much simpler  
way to go.

Thanks much,
- Lars

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