[MLton] Segmentation fault in 32 bit mode on a 6 GB machine with ram-slop 0.85

Nicolas Bertolotti Nicolas.Bertolotti at mathworks.fr
Tue Nov 4 02:09:34 PST 2008

> Managing memory between processes isn't really MLton's job, but the
> user's. Don't run two programs who need more combined memory than you
> have. :-) Or set ram-slop 0.5.

Yes and no. It is the user's job but MLton could make it easier.

I would like to be able to monitor the allocations that are made by my processes and communicate with them in order to change some runtime parameters and/or force one process to page its heap to the disk and sleep.

In order to achieve this, I don't have any other solution than to hack MLton. Having a well defined interface for that would be helpful (unfortunately, maybe just for me)

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