[MLton] mlb path maps ... and spaces

Wesley W. Terpstra wesley at terpstra.ca
Fri Sep 5 07:55:44 PDT 2008

fun parseMlbPathVar (line: String.t) =
   case String.tokens (line, Char.isSpace) of
      [var, path] => SOME {var = var, path = path}
    | _ => NONE


What's the right way to fix this, given the documentation says: "The format
of an mlb-path-map file is a sequence of lines; each line consists of two,
white-space delimited tokens. The first token is a path variable VAR and the
second token is the path to which the variable is mapped. The path may
include path variables, which are recursively expanded."

Could we change the semantics to be: cut first word up to first whitespace
=> that's the variable. Trim leading and trailing whitespace of the
remainder => that's the path? It would require changing the "specification",
but would be backwards compatible.

Leading and trailing whitespace are always supported via
CRAZY ./  my evil directory name /
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