[MLton] nj-mlton on amd64 linux broken?
Vesa Karvonen
vesa.a.j.k at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 13:00:10 PDT 2008
I've been looking at committing the FP constant folding stuff. One of
the problems was that the code didn't compile with SML/NJ. I've now
changed the code to also compile with SML/NJ (and the optimization is
disabled when MLton has been compiled with SML/NJ) and I'd now like to
make a sanity check that nothing broke. However, it seems that MLton
built with SML/NJ on amd64 linux is broken. Here is what happens when
I run bin/regression after make nj-mlton on amd64 linux from
unmodified SVN trunk:
$ ./bin/regression
MLton MLTONVERSION (built Wed Sep 10 22:44:30 2008 on caterpillar)
flags = -type-check true
testing 10
movq (gcState+0x18)(%rip),%r15
.p2align 0x4
.globl F_0
.hidden F_0
movq (gcState+0x18)(%rip),%r15
cmpq %rbp,%r15
setb %al
movzbl %al,%eax
testl %eax,%eax
movl %eax,(globalWord32+0x0)(%rip)
jnz L_7
movq (gcState+0x8)(%rip),%r14
cmpq %r12,%r14
setb %bl
movzbl %bl,%ebx
testl %ebx,%ebx
movl %ebx,(globalWord32+0x4)(%rip)
jnz L_25
movq (c_stackP+0x0)(%rip),%r15
movq %r15,%rsp
movq $0x11,%r15
movq %r15,%rcx
xorq %r15,%r15
movq %r15,%rdx
movq $0x18,%r15
movq %r15,%rsi
leaq gcState(%rip),%r15
movq %r15,%r14
movq %r14,%rdi
addq $0x8,%rbp
leaq (L_3+0x0)(%rip),%r15
movq %r15,0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8(%rbp)
movq %r12,(gcState+0x0)(%rip)
movq %rbp,(gcState+0x10)(%rip)
call GC_arrayAllocate
movq (gcState+0x0)(%rip),%r15
movq %r15,%r12
movq (gcState+0x10)(%rip),%r15
movq %r15,%rbp
jmp L_3
assertion failure: amd64CodeGen.outputChunk
compilation of 10 failed with -type-check true
(And the same seems to happen on other tests, too.)
So, am I doing something wrong here or should I just forget about
testing with SML/NJ built MLton on amd64 linux?
-Vesa Karvonen
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