[MLton-user] ffi pointer lifetime

Stephen Weeks MLton-user@mlton.org
Mon, 12 May 2003 22:22:04 -0700

> Hello again, I'm writing a mixed language program. In the program there
> are values of type Word32.word. They are pointers to data structures in
> C-side which I allocated using malloc and other methods. Is it possible to
> instruct mlton call the destroy operation of a data structure when it
> collects the words out of the memory? 

We've just added support for finalization to MLton.  You can try it
out with our latest experimental release, 20030512, available at


The relevant new function is

      	MLton.Finalize.finalize: 'a * (unit -> unit) -> unit

finalize (x, f) will run f () when x becomes unreachable.  The
finalizer runs after a garbage collection determines that x is
unreachable, which is done by keeping a weak pointer to x.  The
finalizer is treated like a signal handler, in that it runs
asynchronously in a separate thread with signals blocked and will
not run within a critical section.


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