The SML basis library socket module

Chris Clearwater
Sun, 28 Sep 2003 08:18:05 -0400

    I would like to develop a network application using SML, however I
have run into inconsistencies between SML/NJ, MLton and the basis
library specification reguarding Non-blocking IO.  According to it seems as if you use
seperate functions for (non)blocking operations (connect vs.
connectNB), while in the MLton and SML/NJ libraries you need to set a
socket to non-blocking mode with Socket.Ctl.setNBIO and proceed to use 
the normal connect function. I also notice the google cache of that
specification ( matches the MLton, SML/NJ
libraries. Was this a recent change to the basis library that the 
implementations haven't caught up to yet ?

    On an unrealted note, what is the recomended way to develop
applications to be compiled in MLton? I was considering making SDL
bindings for both SML/NJ and MLton and then use SML/NJ during
development for better type checking and and faster compile times and
then shipping with a MLton compiled binary, is this common ?

Thanks for any help.