[MLton-user] MLton.Finalizable.touch
Florian Weimer
Thu, 25 Aug 2005 16:07:18 +0200
I don't understand how touch works. This code:
fun test2 (str : string) =
let open MLton.Finalizable
val x = new str
in addFinalizer (x, fn s => print (s ^ ": finalizer\n"));
(fn () => (print "invoking touch\n"; touch x))
val _ = (print "before test 4\n";
let val t = test2 "test 4"
in print "before GC 4a\n";
MLton.GC.collect ();
print "after GC 4a\n";
t ();
print "before GC 4b\n";
MLton.GC.collect ();
print "after GC 4b\n"
Prints the following:
before test 4
before GC 4a
test 4: finalizer
after GC 4a
invoking touch
before GC 4b
after GC 4b
In other words, the finalizer is run before the call to touch. Is
this the expected behavior? If yes, what is the purpose of the touch