[MLton-user] Unix.execute question

Bernard Berthomieu Bernard.Berthomieu@laas.fr
Fri, 14 Jan 2005 15:59:44 +0100


Isn't Unix.execute supposed to  exec an application in the environment
of the calling process ?

I'm working on an application that launches another one for a subtask,
using Unix.execute.   The executable of the subtask  is reachable from
my Path,  but my application only  works if that executable  is put in
the working  directory (otherwise it  fails with OS.SysErr  saying "No
such file or directory").

Am I misunderstanding the man page for Unix.execute ?

I'm using mlton 20041109 on Sparc and Linux.


Bernard Berthomieu                          ^      
LAAS / CNRS                             .  /_\     
7, avenue du Colonel Roche             / \/   \    phone  +33/(0)5 61 33 
63 63
31077 Toulouse Cedex                  /   \    \   fax    +33/(0)5 61 33 
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France                               /     \    \  