[MLton-user] Compiler Bug?

Michael Nissen nissen@gjk.dk
Wed, 13 Jul 2005 14:05:40 +0200 (CEST)


I am a mlton newbie, and I have a problem with the mlton compiler.
I use version: MLton 20040227 (built Fri Feb 27 21:23:55 2004 on redhat71)

In its simplest form, the problem is as follows:
When I try to compile the following ML program

datatype Decimal = Real of real;
fun decimalEq(Real r1, Real r2) = r1 = r2

I get the compilererror message:
function applied to incorrect argument
    expects: [<equality>] * [<equality>]
    but got: [<non-equality>] * [<non-equality>]
    in: = (r1, r2)

The program compiles without problems with the Moscow ML version 2.01 
compiler (as it should).
What causes this problem?

Michael Nissen
Fondsprogrammør NEXT, DIKU