[MLton-user] more optimization questions
Matthew Fluet
Sun, 20 Nov 2005 22:19:58 -0500 (EST)
>> I seem to recall that at one point in time, we had inline assembly for
>> overflow checking arithmetic in the (support code for the) C-codgen. When
>> we had the native x86-codegen, we simplified that away, but it might be
>> worthwhile to see what inline PowerPC assembly for overflow checking
>> arithmetic gives you.
> Doesn't setting overflow detection to false, take care of all that ?
Yes. My point was that if not performing overflow detecting operations
led to a significant speed up, then it would be beneficial to improve the
performance of the overflow detecting operations using inline assembly.
> BTW, Warning: -detect-overflow is deprecated. Use -const
> 'MLton.detectOverflow <value>'
Yes, the <value> you want is 'false'. ;-)